What does HMU mean in texting? HMU, or “hit me up,” can be a confusing texting abbreviation to come across because even if you know what it stands for, its meaning isn’t entirely straightforward. “Hit me up” means to get in contact with someone. It originated as a result of pag...
KML means "Killing Myself Laughing." This is the most common definition for KML on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. KML. What is DWL in texting? DWL means "Dying with Laughter." The abbreviation DWL is an expression of excessive hilarity, meaning you are laug...
The OG was in charge of making sure the ceremonial guard went off without a hitch. OG Meaning in Gaming If you see OG used in the gaming community, you can assume that it means someone who is original. In this case, somebody is properly referring to a veteran gamer who is highly skill...
Albert:WTW (Here it means What’s the word? – meaning, what’s the news) Chris:I’m engaged! Albert:WTW!!! Really? (Showing shock and surprise) There are many such abbreviations that are being used in testing whether you are on Instagram or Snapchat or even WhatsApp. Texting has be...
NGL:“Not gonna lie” Salty:This means you are bitter or mad toward something or someone Shade:Generally means that someone’s actions are sneaky or unsavory, like “throwing shade” Ship:Short for “relationship;” can also be used as a verb, like “I ship this couple” ...
In a text, CMH means Cross My Heart. This page explains how CMH is used in texting or on apps like TikTok or Instagram.
Other popular slang words include: DND (Do not disturb), SMH (Shaking my head), FR (For real), Ngl (Not gonna lie), and STFU (Shut the f*** up). What does “DPWM” mean? Download Article The acronym “DPWM” stands for “Don’t play with me.” Used in texting and over ...
It means you’re concerned or skeptical, so use it whenever you’re pondering or questioning the validity of something.[3] “I wonder why that happened 🤔” “What could that possibly mean? 🤔” “Yeah, I don’t know if I believe her 🤔” 4 🤤 (Drooling Face) Emoji While ...