location表达式类型~ 表示执行一个正则匹配,区分大小写 ~* 表示执行一个正则匹配,不区分大小写 ^~ 表示普通字符匹配。使用前缀匹配。如果匹配成功,则不再匹配其他location。 = 进行普通字符精确匹配。也就是完全匹配。 常规字符串匹配。按前缀匹配。 @ 它定义一个命名的 location,使用在内部定向时,例如 error_page...
Nginx multiple locations项目的应用场景包括但不限于: 反向代理:通过配置不同的location指令将请求转发到不同的后端服务器,实现反向代理功能,提高系统的性能和可靠性。 负载均衡:通过配置多个location指令将请求分发到不同的后端服务器,实现负载均衡,提高系统的并发处理能力。 静态文件服务:通过配置location指令将静态文件...
set_by_lua $nocache ' if string.match(ngx.var.uri, "/tmp") then return 1 end return 0'; srcache_store_skip $nocache;Back to TOCsrcache_store_statusessyntax: srcache_store_statuses <status1> <status2> ..default: srcache_store_statuses 200 301 302 307 308...
NGINX is also known as aApache Killer(mainly because of its lightness and much less RAM consumption). It is event-based, so it does not follow Apache's style of spawning new processes or threads for each web page request. Generally, it was created to solve theC10K problem. ...
server_name: This directive is the other component used to select a server block for processing. If there are multiple server blocks with listen directives of the same specificity that can handle the request, Nginx will parse the “Host” header of the request and match it again...
Calling multiple locations in parallel is also possible:location /main { echo_reset_timer; echo_location_async /sub1; echo_location_async /sub2; echo "took $echo_timer_elapsed sec for total."; } location /sub1 { echo_sleep 2; # sleeps 2 sec echo hello; } location /sub2 { echo_...
NGINX vs Apache: two of the world’s most popular open source web servers. But which is right for you? It’s NGINX or Apache as we help you choose.
nginx可以使用各平台的默认包来安装,本文是介绍使用源码编译安装,包括具体的编译参数信息。 正式开始前,编译环境gcc g++ 开发库之类的需要提前装好,这里默认你已经装好。 ububtu平台编译环境可以使用以下指令 apt-getinstall build-essential apt-getinstall libtool ...
The number of elements must match the number the durations array specified on the set. If the durations array is not specified, the clips array must contain a single element.Optional fields:id - a string that identifies the sequence. The id can be retrieved by $vod_sequence_id. language -...