:black_small_square: Nginx location match tester :black_small_square: Nginx location match visible Other stuff :black_small_square: Web technology for developers :black_small_square: Mozilla Web Security :black_small_square: Application Security Wiki :black_small_square: OWASP ASVS 3.0.1 :black_...
:black_small_square:Online tool to learn, build, & test Regular Expressions :black_small_square:Online Regex Tester & Debugger :black_small_square:A web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis :black_small_square:Nginx location match tester :black_small_square:Nginx location ...
A Regular Expression Tester for NGINX and NGINX Plus - NGINX https://www.pcre.org/ PCRE的正则文档 perlretut - Perl regular expressions tutorial - Perldoc Browser perlre - Perl regular expressions - Perldoc Browser 特殊的location 以@开头的location,叫做named location,它不参与location的匹配,但是它...
server_name,可以以空格隔开写多个并支持正则表达式,如:.tester.com www.tester.*等等。default_server域名重定向,当访问的域名不存在时,重定向到默认域名 #修改server_name模块为www.abc.com server_name www.abc.com; #修改完成之后,检查nginx的配置是否是正确的,然后热启动nginx(由于每次nginx修改之后都需要进行...
达,所以会出现多个域名匹配到同一个server_name中。server_name,可以以空格隔开写多个并支持正则表达式,如:.tester.com www.tester.*等等。default_server域名重定向,当访问的域名不存在时,重定向到默认域名 #修改server_name模块为www.abc.com server_name www.abc.com; ...
location priority 一般优先级 Directives with the "=" prefix that match the query exactly. If found, searching stops. All remaining directives with conventional strings. If this match used the "^~" prefix, searching stops. Regular expressions, in the order they are defined in the configuration ...
The asterisk after the tilde (~*) makes the match case‑insensitive. location ~* /myapp/.+\.php$ { #... } NGINX and the regex tester support positional capture groups in location{} blocks. In the following example, the first group captures everything before the PHP file name and ...
3、检测CSRF方法? OWASP上面有一个叫做CSRFTester的工具,可以构建进行测试。 下载链接:https://www.owasp.org/index.php/CSRFTester教程指引:http://www.zyiqibook.com/article216.html 4、如何防御CSRF? 我们采用CSRFGuard_Project方案 JAVA DOM方式。 配置如下: ...
package t::ANYUTester; # 启动HUP测试模式 BEGIN { if ($ENV{TEST_NGINX_CHECK_LEAK}) { $SkipReason = "unavailable for the hup tests"; } else { $ENV{TEST_NGINX_USE_HUP} = 1; undef $ENV{TEST_NGINX_USE_STAP}; } } # -Base部分在调用t::ANYUTester时传入 ...
syslog服务器默认使用UDP 514号端口。简单的说,syslog可以告诉管理员:谁(Facility),什么时间(Timestamp...