「每日天文图·NGC 6334: The Cat's Paw Nebula」今日5月11日,农历壬寅年四月十一.星云可能会以熟悉的形状命名,就像猫因惹麻烦而出名一样.尽管如此,没有一只已知的猫可以创造出天蝎星座可以看到的巨大的猫爪星云.在距离地球5,500光年的地方,猫爪星云是一个红色的发射星云,它的来源是大量的电离氢原子,也被称为...
NGC 6334 is also known as the Cat’s Paw Nebula or the Bear Claw Nebula and is located in the constellation Scorpius. This very red emission nebula (the Hydrogen emission is many times stronger than any of the other usual lines captured with narrowband filters, OIII or SII) spans about 4...
星云以其独特的形状而闻名,就像猫因为其调皮捣蛋而闻名一样。然而,没有猫能创造出位于天蝎座内的巨大猫掌星云(Cat's Paw Nebula)。这个距离我们5,500光年的发射星云,其红色的光芒来自大量被游离的氢原子。它还有一个名字叫熊掌星云或NGC 6334。星云内部有许多质量接近十倍太阳质量的恒星,它们是在过去数百万年内才...
NGC6334CatPaw 20-12-15 16:14 来自iPhone客户端 去上厕所图中听到两个妹子在聊天,一个妹子说她去检查脑中的神经递质没有一项是正常的吧啦吧啦。这可不就是抑郁倾向了吗。现在人一个个都被折磨的精神异常了。某田身边的好朋友已经两三个双向或抑郁了。再这么发展几十年社会上还有正常人吗? ...
Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook NGC Dictionary Encyclopedia Wikipedia Category filter: AcronymDefinition NGCNew General Catalogue(of Nebulae and Star Clusters; astronomy) NGCNational Guideline Clearinghouse(evidence-based clinical practice guidelines; Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; US ...
Also shown: NGC6144 is the smallglobular clusterbelow center, whileM4 (click here for a full-sized image of M4)is the much larger globular cluster to the left of that. Over to the lower right the blue reflection nebula is IC4605 (scroll down for another image). ...
DesignationNGC 6334, The Cat's Paw Nebula, The Bear Claw Nebula (bottom right) NGC 6357, El Cangrejo, Las Cuatro Juanitas (top left) Object typeEmission nebulae CoordinatesCenter field is at approx. 17h 23min - 23°00' (Sco) DescriptionLocated very close to the galactic equator, these ...
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