planetary nebulae: individual: NGC 6302stars: AGB and post-AGBstars: imagingNGC 6302 is one of the highest ionization planetary nebulae known and showsemission from species with ionization potential >300eV. The temperature of thecentral star must be >200,000K to photoionize the nebula, and has...
planetary nebulae: individual: NGC 6302We have analysed the full ISO spectrum of the planetary nebula NGC 6302 in order to derive the mineralogical composition of the dust in the nebula. We use an optically thin dust model in combination with laboratory measurements of cosmic dust analogues. We ...
「每日Discovery精彩探索·NGC 6302: The Butterfly Nebula」今日3月3日,农历正月廿七.The bright clusters and nebulae of planet Earth's night sky are often named for flowers or insects. Though its wingsp...
Ngc 6302, Beetle fog, Planetary nebula image. Free for use. 1 comment The community are waiting to hear from you! Log in or Join Pixabay to view comments Ngc 6302Beetle FogPlanetary NebulaConstellation ScorpioStarry SkySpaceUniverseNight SkyHeavenAstronauticsNasaSpace Travel ...
We present the combined Infrared Space Observatory Short-Wavelength Spectrometer and Long-Wavelength Spectrometer 2.4-197 μm spectrum of the Planetary Nebula NGC 6302 which contains in addition to strong atomic lines, a series of emission features due to solid state components. The broad wavelength ...
The ISO spectrum of the planetary nebula NGC 6302. II. Nebular abundances The ISO spectrum of NGC 6302 is used, in conjunction with the visible and ultraviolet spectrum, to determine the nebular composition. In addition to being ... SR Pottasch,DA Beintema - 《Astronomy & Astrophysics》 被...
NGC 3918是一个在天球上位于半人马座的行星状星云,距离地球约4900光年。该星云昵称蓝行星状星云(Blue Planetary)或南方人(The Southerner)。发现历史 NGC 3918是位于南天球高纬度区域最明亮的行星状星云,可使用小型望远镜观测。该星云由英国天文学家约翰·赫歇尔发现于1834年3月。该星云在望远镜中所见到其接近...
NGC 2440就像只蝴蝶一样, 一颗白矮星也是“破茧而出”,开始另一段生命之旅。在这种比喻中,我们的太阳也像一只毛毛虫,而被抛出的气壳(茧壳)就是最美丽的蝴蝶了。这张照片里的“茧”是名为NGC 2440的行星状星云,它的内部有所知最炽热的白矮星之一。这张照片中心附近的白点, 就是这颗白矮星。我们的太阳...
Pictures and descriptions of New General Catalog Objects NGC 6300, NGC 6301, NGC 6302, NGC 6303, NGC 6304, NGC 6305, NGC 6306, NGC 6307, NGC 6308, NGC 6309, NGC 6310, NGC 6311, NGC 6312, NGC 6313, NGC 6314, NGC 6315, NGC 6316, NGC 6317, NGC 6318, NGC 631