NGC 6302: The Butterfly Nebula Explanation:The bright clusters and nebulae of planet Earth's night sky are often named forflowersorinsects. Though its wingspan covers over 3 light-years,NGC 6302is no exception. With an estimated surface temperature of about 250,000 degreesC, the dying central...
NGC 6302 is the classical example of a planetary nebula with a bipolar shape. The bipolar 'butterfly' shape is often explained as caused by the fast wind of the central star colliding with a dense circumstellar disk. This disk should be compressible, i.e., molecular. The main constituent ...
However, we did detect one interesting object: an OH 1612 MHz maser in the young planetary nebula NGC 6302. This nebula may be in a brief evolutionary stage, similar to the young and compact planetary nebula Vy 2-2 where OH has already been detected....
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Nebula_NGC6302 22-09-2 17:55 发布于 中国香港 来自 HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro 大家好,five历险记又来了:话说这边干啥都好慢呐,玩命排队饿的头昏眼花冻的鼻青脸肿终于办了银行卡,结果还得一周才能邮寄过来。碰巧这人一高兴就容易膨胀,诶!故事它就这么来了。我和舍友吃学校食堂吃腻了,瞄上了学校的早茶楼,基...
We measure the mass and kinematics of the massive molecular torus in the planetary nebula NGC 6302. The nebula is the proto-typical butterfly nebula. The o... G N.,Douglas,J.,... - 《Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》 被引量: 23发表: 2001年 The High-Excitation Planeta...