图1 研究区基本信息图(Li and Moon, 2021)。(a)研究区地貌位置图;(b)研究区地质构造图;(c)研究区高程图;(d)研究区滑坡分布图;(e)研究区断裂倾向等级图考虑构造和重力场对地形应力场的影响,作者使用三维边界元代码Poly3D(Clair et.al, 2015)模拟了研究区地下应...
8. Wang, H. et al. The Osteogenic Niche Promotes Early-Stage Bone Colonization of Disseminated Breast Cancer Cells. Cancer Cell 27, 193–210 (2015).想了解更多精彩内容,快来关注BioArt生物艺术
2011年NASA (美国宇航局)发射的月球重力卫星(Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory, GRAIL)获取了全月高分辨率重力场(图1), 并给出了全球高精度月壳厚度和孔隙度模型 (e.g., Wieczorek et al., 2013)。该数据为识别早期隐伏撞击坑,修正撞击通量提供了重力学约束 (e.g., Neumann et al., 2015)。 ...
46. Gao G, Schilling AF, Hubbell K et al (2015) Improved properties of bone and cartilage tissue from 3D inkjet-bioprinted human mesenchymal stem cells by simultaneous deposition and photocrosslinking in PEG-GelMA. Biotechnol Lett 37(11):2349–2355. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10529-015-1921-...
2015年,基于不断变化的治疗前景和对疾病生物学理解的进展,PCWG3对PCWG2再次进行更新,认为PSA 升高通常是肿瘤再生长的第一个迹象,并将阈值PSA增加的水平降至1.0ng/ml,同时还需要通过影像学和临床症状来判断疾病进展情况[4]。此后,...
It also implements some of the features previously available in ExaML (Kozlov et al. 2015), including checkpointing and efficient load balancing for partitioned alignments (Kobert et al. 2014). RAxML-NG is currently under active development, and the mid-term goal is to have most functionality...
为了厘清全球水库消落区分布,将消落区碳排放纳入水库的碳排放预算,并最终纳入全球碳排放清单,德国亥姆霍兹环境研究中心Philipp S. Keller等在Nature Geoscience发表文章对这一问题进行了专项研究(Keller et al.,2021)。研究人员统计了1985~2015年期间全球范围内6794个水库每月消落区的空间范围(图1),结果表明,以月为单位...
5. Klotz, L., et al., Nadir testosterone within first year of androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) predicts for time to castration-resistant progression: a secondary analysis of the PR-7 trial of intermittent versus continuous ADT. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2015. 33(10): p. 1151. ...
Kaya E et al. PNAS 20155. Olovnikov et al. Mol Cell 20136. Dominguez A A et al. Nature...
[9]中华医学会儿科学分会临床药理学组. 儿童治疗性药物监测专家共识 [J] . 中华儿科杂志,2015,53 (9): 650-659. [10]He N , Su S , Ye Z , et al. Evidence-based Guideline for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Vancomycin: 2020 Update by the Division of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Chinese Pha...