价格:¥598685 货号:Human CD40/NF-kB Reporter Cell Line 产地:北京 点击询问我要采购 竭诚为您服务! BioVector NTCC典型培养物保藏中心 联系人:Dr.Xu, Biovector NTCC Inc. 电话:400-800-2947 工作QQ:1843439339 (微信同号) 邮件:Biovector@163.com 手机:18901268599 地址:北京 已注册 ...
The NF-kB/SEAP is a reporter gene assay for the detection of NF-kB activation and contains a cell line modified for this purpose. This cell line is derived from HEK 293 (Human Embryonal Kidney) cells. 产品介绍 NF-kB/SEAP Stable Reporter Cell Line Description(产品描述) The NF-kB/SEAP ...
(SEAP) reporter gene under the transcriptional control of an NF-kB response element. The TLR4 reporter cell line has been validated by flow cytometry (Fig. 1). Functional activity of this cell line has been validated by transfecting the MD2 plasmid and analyzing SEAP activity with IMGENEXï...
系统标签: reporter line transcriptional manual user gfp NF-B/293/GFP™TranscriptionalReporterCellLineCat.#TR800A-1UserManual(ver.1-070206)StorevialinvaporphaseofliquidnitrogenonreceiptAlimited-uselabellicensecoversthisproduct.Byuseofthisproduct,youacceptthetermsandconditionsoutlinedintheLicensingandWarrantySt...
Website网址: http://www.biovector.net 在线咨询 您正在向biovector.net发送关于产品THP-1 NF-kb luciferase reporter cell line荧光报告细胞株 BioVector NTCC质粒载体菌种细胞基因保藏中心的询问 *联系人 电话 E-mail 留言 点击“立即发送”后,我们将在1个工作日内与您取得联系。
MCF-7-NFkBLuciferaseReporterCellLineexhibitsTNFα-dependentincreaseinluciferaseactivitywhencomparedtountreatedcells. Signosis基因功能分析,靶标发现和确认,分析开发以及化合物筛选通常需要基于细胞的分析。经过工程改造以通过转基因整合到宿主基因组中表达目的基因的稳定细胞系提供了进行此类分析的有效方法。然而,由于建立...
Importantly, NPI-1387 reduced TNF-A-induced NF-KB activation in a HEK293 NF-KB/luciferase reporter cell line. Therefore additional studies were initiated to define the biological activities in MM. Treatment of MM cells lines (MM.1S, MM.1R, OCI-My5, OPM1, Dox-40) with NPI-1347 for 48...
5、.cornABSTRACT:ObjectiveToelvaluatetheeffectoflowsalt(LS)ontheexpressionofcyclooxygenase-2(COX-2)andtheactivityofnuclearfactorkappaB(NFKs)andactivatorprotein一1(AP一1)inthemousemaculadensaderived(MMDDI)cellline.MethodsMMDDIcellsweretransfectedwithluciferasereporterplasmidcontainingAP一1orNFKB.Luciferase 6、...
Transient co-transfection assays involving NFKB2 expression vectors and kappa B-driven reporter plasmids indicate that NFKB2 p85 has lost the transcriptional repressor functions typical of normal NFKB2 p52. These data indicate that the NFKB2 gene rearrangement detected in HUT78 cells leads to the...