(2003) The NF-YB/NF-YC structure gives insight into DNA binding and transcription regulation by CCAAT factor NF-Y. J. Biol. Chem., 278, 1336-1345.Romier C, Cocchiarella F, Mantovani R, et al. The NF-YB/NF-YC Structure Gives Insight into DNA Binding and Transcription Regulation by ...
研究表明,CCT家族蛋白与NF-YB、NF-YC形成三元复合物,能够识别并结合DNA,调控植物的光周期响应。其中,Ghd7、Ghd8、Ghd7.1和Hd1/Ghd6等基因均属于水稻光周期响应的主效基因,通过延迟抽穗期来增加产量。研究方法与技术 通过荧光素酶互补技术、pull-down等方法,研究验证了CCT蛋白与OsNF-YC2的互作关系。本研究中...
NF-Y,全称 为Nuclear Factor Y,是一类特异性转录因子,也被称为Heme Activator £rotein(HAP) S£CAAT-box finding Eactor(CBF),有三个亚单位组成,分别是 NF-YA(CBF-B、HAP2)、 NF-YB(CBF-A、HAP3)及NF-YC(CBF-C、HAP5),NF-Y就是特异性转录因子(包括转录激活因 子和转录抑制因子)。[0003] NF-...
8月25日,The Plant Cell杂志在线发表了我校作物遗传改良国家重点实验室水稻团队和蛋白质科学研究团队的最新合作研究成果,两个团队利用遗传学、细胞生物学和结构生物学技术阐明了CCT 家族蛋白与NF-YB、NF-YC形成三元复合物是一种普遍存在的现象,并且揭示了形成的CCT/NF-YB/YC三元复合物识别DNA的分子机制,研究成果以...
酵母杂交ClNF-YB9能够与ClNF-YC相互作用形成NF-YB-YC二聚体,同时ClNF-YBC-YC4二聚体可以募集ClNF-YA1/6/7形成三种不同的NF-Y复合物,在种子发育过程中形成独特的NF-Y复合物行使功能。该研究为未来西瓜种子发育和休眠研究奠定了基础。 图1 四个不同物种NF-Y的系统发育关系和分类...
∗通信作者(correspondingauthor):lvxiang@pumc.edu.cn;liuxuehui@ibms.pumc.edu.cn文章编号:1001⁃6325(2022)06⁃0920⁃07研究论文㊀ 核转录因子NFYB和NFYC促进红系终末分化 余东林,杨㊀希,阴佳滢,刘雪会∗...
The CCAAT-binding factor NF-Y is a heteromeric transcription factor thatspecifically binds to CCAAT sequences in many eukaryotic genes. NF-Y is made up of three subunits, NF-YA, NF-YB and NF-YC. All three componets are necessary for DNA binding. In each NF-Y subunit, the segment needed...
NF-YC12 and bHLH144 maintain NF-YB1 stability from the degradation mediated by ubiquitin/26S proteasome, while NF-YB1 directly binds to the "G-box" domain of Wx promoter and activates Wx transcription, hence to regulate rice grain quality. In all, we revealed a novel grain quality ...
本研究对大豆NF-YC家族基因进行全基因组鉴定,并对GmNF-YC6和谷子SiF-box18的功能进行了分析。1、大豆NF-YC... 霍冬英 - 西北农林科技大学 被引量: 0发表: 2019年 大豆抗逆相关蛋白GmNF-YB24及其编码基因的应用 本发明公开了大豆抗逆相关蛋白GmNFYB24及其编码基因的应用.本发明提供的蛋白质,命名为GmNFYB24...
Interestingly,bHLH144, an important gene that responds to NF-YB1 stability, was included in the DAP-seq data. A “CTCC” sequence was indeed present in thebHLH144promoter (Fig.4e). Previous reports have shown that bHLH144 can form a heterotrimer with the NF-YB1-YC12 protein complex, the...