目前研究表明,Nfkb1基因 (编码p105) 突变的炎症性肠病 (IBD) 患者病理表现更为严重,而不能表达p105的突变体小鼠会出现自发性肠道炎症的情况。 作者发现,髓样细胞条件性敲除USP16的小鼠在结肠炎疾病模型中,炎性症状明显减轻,结肠癌模...
研究者在4月的《肠》(Gut 2007;56:524-533.)杂志上报告,结合核因子κB (NFkB)的一种寡核苷酸的直接传送可改善小鼠炎性肠病(IBD),并恢复组织内环境稳定。 美国Intermune公司的Rolf O. Ehrhardt博士及其同事指出,NFkB是IBD的一种主要转录调节物。研究组合成了一种专门结合NFkB并阻断相关炎症递质的寡核苷酸。由...
an adhesion molecule shown to be important in the neutrophil-epithelial interactions in IBD.Using various deletion constructs of ICAM-1 promoter,we show that ICAM-1 induction by IL-6 requires the activation of NF-kB.We also demonstrate that overexpression of SOCS-3,a protein known to inhibit ...
基于上述功能,MALT1被观察到与银屑病、炎症性肠病(IBD)、干燥综合征(Sjogren’s syndrome)、强直性脊柱炎等免疫性和炎症性疾病的发病密切相关(13-16)。 In the aspect of RA,MALT1 not only may participate in its pathology...
运用生物技术:16S rRNA基因测序、GC-MS 非靶向代谢组学 研究背景 溃疡性结肠炎(UC)是最常见的炎症性肠病(IBD),其特点是预后不良,症状复发,有可能发展为结肠炎相关癌症,因此得到广泛关注。它与肠粘膜屏障功能缺陷有关,且特征之一是肠道微生物失调,因此调节肠道微生物群是一种可能的治疗策略。山奈酚(Kae...
The immune﹎ediated inflammation is mostly considered as the pathogenesis of IBD. It has been demonstrated that amitriptyline exerts anti﹊nflammatory influence; therefore, the aim of the current experiment is to evaluate the anti﹊nflammatory impact of amitriptyline on intestinal disorders following ...
and chronic inflammation.1,2 Despite the significant advances in under- standing the underlying genetic basis and pathogenesis of the diseases, no drugs used to treat IBD have a non-relapsing cure rate, and few non-toxic therapeutic options are currently able to modulate intestinal inflammation. Th...
是调节细胞因子分泌的重要因子。随后, Schreiber等[7]又从IBD 患者肠道活检组织的核抽提物中发现NF-κBp65水平明显高于正 常对照。 由于IBD和正常对照活检组织匀浆中提取的全细胞抽提 物,包括细胞浆和细胞核,中没有发现NF-κBp65水平的差异, 提示B D患者活检组织核抽提物中增高的NF-κBp65是从细胞质 ...
敲除Nfkbid基因exon 5-11,建立Nfkbid基因敲除小鼠模型。 *使用本品系发表的文献需注明: Nfkbid-KO mice (Cat. NO. 待定) were purchased from Shanghai Model Organisms Center, Inc.. 相关品系 Nfkbid-Flox 品系名:C57BL/6Smoc-Nfkbidem1(flox)Smoc ...