欧洲规范-NF P15-101-1-中文版.pdf,F A 0 4 7 9 5 5 I S S N 0 3 3 5 - 3 9 3 1 欧洲标准 NF EN 197-1 2001 年 2 月 法国标准 索引号:P 15-101-1 ICS :91.100.10 水泥 第一部分:普通水泥的组分、规范和合格标准 英语:水泥 - 第一部分:普通水泥的组分、规范和合格标准
95 AFNOR NF EN 301489-19-2003 2003-02-01 French Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum matters (ERM) - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services - Part 19 : specific conditions for receive only mobile earth stations (ROMES) operating in the 1,5 GHz ...
NFP43.011-1985disconnectorswithdifferentNoncontrollable782 CB电动机起动器一般技术指标 pressurerangesgeneraltechnicalSpecifications Generalpurposemetricscrewthreads- NFENISO262-1999螺钉,螺栓和螺母的选择尺寸210 Tolerances Non-destructivetesting-Penetranttesting-Part1. NFEN571.1-1997无损检验渗透探伤法检验第1部分一般原...
欧洲规范-NF P18-541-中文版.pdf,ISSN 0335-3931 法国标准 P-18-541 1994 年 5 月 索引号:P 18-541 集料 水凝混凝土用集料 规定 英语:集料—水凝混凝土用集料—规定 德语:集料—水凝混凝土用集料—规定 1994年 5月AFNOR 颁布的实验标准。 应于 1995 年12月 31 日前将与本
455 AFNOR XP P94-444-2002 2002-12-01 French Rock - Static tension test on an anchor bonded in rock mass - Maintained axial loading testing 456 AFNOR XP ENV 13381-7-2002 2002-12-01 French Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members - Part 7...
76 AFNOR XP CEN/TS 15354-2006 2006-08-01 French Plastics - Extruded and/or calandered, non-reinforced film and sheeting made of plasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-P) - Guidance for characterisation and designation 77 AFNOR FD CEN/TR 15350-2006 2006-08-01 French Mechanical vibration - Gu...
436 AFNOR NF EN 3155-043-2006 2006-09-01 French Aerospace series - Electrical contacts used in elements of connection - Part 043 : contacts, electrical, triaxial, size 08, female 043, type D, solder, class P - Product standard 437 AFNOR NF EN 1425/A1-2006 2006-09-01 French Bitumen an...
-003-2012 2012-05-01 French Aerospace series - Cable, electrical, fire resistant - Single and twisted multicore assembly, screened (braided) and jacketed - Operating temperatures between - 65 °C and 260 °C - Part 003 : DW family - DN family - lightweight - UV Laser printable - P...
9Mb/301PD Subminiature Connectors Maxim Integrated Produc...DCEP 3Mb/26PLow-Voltage and Low-Power Operation Rev 0; 9/10 DCE10D-2419-NFDatasheet, PDF[Distributor] DistributorPart #Manufacturer DatasheetDescriptionBuy Now Element14DCE0133V2NBC ...
compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM - ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services - Part 31 : specific conditions for equipment in the 9 to 315 kHz band for Ultra Low Power Active Medical Implants (ULP-AMI) and related peripheral devices (ULP-AMI-P) ...