1 AFNOR NF M60-803-1-2012 2012-06-01 French Nuclear energy - Measurement of radioactivity in the environment - Water - Part 1 : measurement of radium 226 activity in water - Method by emanometry 2 A…
Dectin-1 directs T helper cell differentiation by controlling noncanonical NF-kappaB activation through Raf-1 and Syk. Nat Immunol,2009,10 ( 2 ) : 203-213. [30] Saijo S,Ikeda S,Yamabe K,et al. Dectin-2 recognition of alpha- mannans and induction of Th17 cell differentiation is ...
See Note 1) STYLE B (Table IV) STYLE C Medium Duty (Table IV) STYLE E Medium Duty (Table V) Clamping Bars P J N (See L Note 4) Cable Range Cable K Cable Range K M Range © 2005 Glenair, Inc. CAGE Code 06324 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, IN...
1 AFNOR NF ISO 19932-2-2006 2006-06-01 French Equipment for crop protection - Knapsack sprayers - Part 2 : performance limits 2 AFNOR NF EN 12435-2006 2006-06-01 French Health informatics - Expression of results of measurements in health sciences 3 AFNOR NF EN 61076-2-101/A1-2006 2006...
40 AFNOR XP P94-424-2003 2003-03-01 French Rock - Direct shear testing of rock joint - Normal surface joint, constant load testing 41 AFNOR XP X43-361-2003 2003-03-01 French Air quality - Stationary source emissions - Measurements for velocity and volume flowrate of gas streams in ducts...
64 AFNOR NF EN 1010-2/IN1-2010 2010-10-01 French Safety of machinery - Safety requirements for the design and construction of printing and paper converting machines - Part 2 : printing and varnishing machines including pre-press machinery ...
155 AFNOR NF EN 1726-1/A1-2004 2004-07-01 French Safety of industrial trucks - Self-propelled trucks up to and including 10 000 kg capacity and industrial tractors with a drawbar pull up to and including 20 000 N - Part 1 : general requirements - Amendment 1 : operator restraint system...
NF C20-540 材料气候老化试验和外部使用综合材料 1990 年 1 月 NF C30-203 绝缘导线和电缆的尺寸性能测定 计算方法 1983 年 9 月 NF C31-122 规格 3/4 冷锻铝线硬度,螺线,截面圆形 特征 NF C32-013 绝缘电缆芯(背书 CEI228 和 CEI228A 代号) UTE C32-014 用于导线芯检查指南 NF C32-021 特殊方式...
格式:PDF 页数:2 大小:57.45KB《NF P21-203-1 A1-1998 《DTU 31 1 修改件1》.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《NF P21-203-1 A1-1998 《DTU 31 1 修改件1》.pdf(2页珍藏版)》请在麦多课文档分享上搜索。 NF P21-203-1 A1-1998 DTU 31 1 修改件1.pdf,NFP212031A11998DTU311,修改,PDF下...
Dectin-1 di- rects T helper cell differentiation by controlling noncanonical NF-kappaB activation through Raf-1 and Syk. Nat Immunol 2009; 10:203-213. 126 Saijo S, Ikeda S, Yamabe K, et al. Dectin-2 recognition of alpha-mannans and induction of Th17 cell differentiation is essential for...