🚀 Beautiful, fast and modern React UI library. Contribute to wzc520pyfm/nextui development by creating an account on GitHub.
长话短说,最后我决定构建 Testing Library,而该库现已成为 React 和其他 UI 库推荐的测试工具。 enzyme和 Testing Library 之间的主要区别之一是,enzyme 返回的是一个包装器,其中包含一堆(过度)有用(危险)的实用程序,用于访问渲染过的元素,而 Testing Library 则直接访问渲染过的元素,为你提供了元素本身。我想表达...
Discover Himalaya UI, an exceptional open-source UI library for Next.js, offering a wide range of powerful features and seamless integration possibilities.
对于没有 UIAbility 但依然提供可跳转页面的模块,应该考虑使用 Library 类型的 HSP实现相应的功能,从 UIAbility 跳转 HSP 中的页面可参考下列方式: router.pushUrl({ url: '@bundle:com.example.hmservice/library/ets/pages/menu' }).then(() => { console.log("push page success"); }).catch(err =>...
Should normally be left blank so that the Nextcom dialer can handle it based on rules set in the Nextcom UI Note note string A note containing comments, extra info, etc. Customer dealer customerDealer string customerDealer Industry line industryLine string A code describing the company'...
Kingfisher features extensions for UIImageView, NSButton, NSImageView, and UIButton, and this helps to make it more attractive and useful. However, some additional options are provided by the lightweight library, like showcasing placeholder images at the time of downloading, system indicators, ...
2. UI Icons 11,152 icons crafted on an 18px grid, perfect for small UI elements. 1.5px stroke Rounded Customizable 18px View Icons → Buy Icons 3. Micro Bold Icons 1,827 SVG icons, crafted with a 2px stroke on a 16px live area. 2px stroke Rounded Customizable 20px View Icons ...
A configurable component library for web built on React. 5k GitHub package MITlicensed https://github.com/alibaba-fusion/next Tags:fusion, fusion design, next, component, ui tookit, react, react-components, components, design, frontend Version ...
iTunesLibrary JavaScriptCore LocalAuthentication MapKit MediaAccessibility MediaLibrary MediaPlayer MediaToolbox 金屬 MetalKit MetalPerformanceShaders MobileCoreServices ModelIO MultipeerConnectivity NaturalLanguage 網路 NetworkExtension NotificationCenter ObjCRuntime Opengl OpenTK PdfKit 照片 PhotosUI PrintCore QTKit ...
NeXt UI Framework NeXt UI toolkit is an HTML5/JavaScript based toolkit for network web application. It provides a network centric topology UI component featuring high performance and rich functionality. NeXt can display large complex network topologies, aggregated network nodes, traffic/path/tunnel/grou...