TJ Holowaychuk is the creator of Express.js. According to the Express.js GitHub repository, the initial release was on May 22nd, 2010. Express, together with the MongoDB database software and a JavaScript front-end framework or library, is the back-end component of popular development stacks ...
It's also worth noting that despite the name, Next UI is not directly affiliated with the popular React framework Next.js. As ofMay 2024, it has got19KGitHubstars and more than100K weekly downloads onNPM. 11. PrimeReact PrimeReact, a free and open-source React library, offers a surpris...
Let’s be clear:Lottiejsis a very differenttypeof animation library to the other eight in this list. Nevertheless, we don’t think UI/UX designers can afford to ignore it. Creating a Lottie animation is more akin to creating a video production. You’ll need a third-party animation tool ...
An internal wiki is an invaluable resource foronboardingand training employees. By integrating your wiki into your training sessions, you can reinforce lessons, effectively communicatetacit knowledge, and provide critical information. Employees will have access to a comprehensive library of resources, prom...
1. React.js My and many developers love for JavaScript increased when Facebook introduced the ReactJS framework. Developers adore its declarative, efficient, open-source JavaScript library for crafting feature-rich, smooth, and dynamic frontend web apps. ...
Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework used for building user interfaces. It focuses on the view layer of web applications and provides an easy way to manage and update the UI. Who created Vue.js? Vue.js was created by Evan You in 2014 and has since gained significant popularity with...
For the developers out there, Suncel ensures super easy integration with Next.js to create a reusable components library, customizing to your heart’s content. Suncel combines a user-friendly design with developer-oriented flexibility, making it the perfect companion for your NextJS journey. ...
Do you need avuejs ui librarythat helps you create a unique, modern, and stylish web app faster and easier? In this case, here is a name called KodeUI to make your desired theme. It’s so easy to customize, and its code’s written in a pleasant way that anyone can understand. Als...
As per the State of JS 2022 survey, here are the 8 best JavaScript frameworks for front end development in 2025. 1. React React, also known as React.js, is one of the best JavaScript frameworks in the front-end category. It is an open-source front-end JavaScript library created by a...
NextJS Material Kit PROis a premium UI Kit made for NextJS, React, and Material-UI. All the Material-UI components that you need in development have been re-design with the new look, inspired by Google’s Material Design. Besides the numerous basic elements, we have also created additional...