Description: Welcome to “Craft Next Gen UI Libraries for React 18 and Next.js 14”! We’re excited to have you on board and eager to see your NPM libraries excel. Join our discussion forums and showcase your work across various channels.We’re thrilled to have you join us and ...
plopfile.js feat(core): root function added to use NextUI. as a component… 2年前 pnpm-lock.yaml chore: add va analytics (#4582) 3天前 pnpm-workspace.yaml feat(root): divider and kbd components added, docs in progress 2年前
Duplicates I have searched the existing issues Latest version I have tested the latest version Summary 💡 Material UI v5 doesn't support Next.js app directory. Even though the error comes from @emotion\react and not Material UI itself, I ...
Aceternity UI - Beautiful Tailwind CSS and Framer Motion Components, built with Next.js and TypeScript. Preline - Preline UI is an open-source prebuilt UI component library based on the tailwind CSS. Franken UI - Franken UI library, an HTML collection of copy-pastable components based on ... Tags:fusion, fusion design, next, component, ui tookit, react, react-components, components, design, frontend Version 1.27.30 Asset Type All Help support cdnjs You cancontribute onGitHubto help make cdnjs sustainable! Or, donate $5 to cdnjs viaOpen Co...
Inst is a creative Nextjs template with a beautiful design that appeals to a broad audience. The tool is optimized and powered by the latest technologies to work with your application smoothly. Also, Inst comes in dark and light mode. Some of the technical features of Inst include BaseUI De...
material-带有nextjs的ui选项卡是一种基于Material Design风格的用户界面组件,结合了Next.js框架的特性,用于创建具有选项卡功能的网页界面。选项卡是一种常见的用户界面元素,可以将相关的内容组织在一起,使用户可以轻松切换和浏览不同的内容。 该组件的优势包括: ...
Next.js 是一个基于 React 的服务端渲染框架,而 Chakra UI 则是一个用于构建用户界面的组件库。在使用 Chakra UI 配合 Next.js 进行开发时,可以通过设置来处理错误。 在Chakra UI 中,可以使用 ErrorBoundary 组件来捕获和处理错误。ErrorBoundary 是一个 React 组件,它能够包裹子组件,并在子组件抛出错误时展示...
shadcn/ui很灵活可以方便的自己修改class样式,但是仅仅一个确认删除弹窗,需要拷贝太多代码和导入太多包,重复的代码量太多,不利于代码维护。所以进一步封装以符合项目中使用。 封装cx-alert-dialog.tsx import{AlertDialog,AlertDialogAction,AlertDialogCancel,AlertDialogContent,AlertDialogDescription,AlertDialogFooter,AlertDialog...
High quality UI components for Vue 3.x Consistent API and UI with TDesign component libraries for other frameworks Dark mode and customizable theme Support tree-shaking 📦 Installation npm i tdesign-vue-next 🔨 Usage import{createApp}from'vue';import{Button}from'tdesign-vue-next';import't...