调用changeLanguage函数会导致页面滚动到顶部,尽管路由器的滚动选项设置为false。 请注意,Next.js-router.push没有滚动到顶部,并且Next.js在页面路由无法解决我的问题时保持滚动位置。 import { useRouter } from "next/router"; import Select, { components } from "react-select"; const LanguageToggler = () ...
在next.js你可以像这样传递查询参数 Router.push({pathname:'/about',query: {name:'Someone'} }) and then in your next page (here in/aboutpage), retrieve thequeryvia therouterprops, which needs to be injected toComponent通过使用withRouter。 import{ withRouter } from 'next/router'classAboutextend...
Next.js 是一个基于 React 的服务端渲染框架,Router.push 是 Next.js 提供的一个用于页面跳转的方法。出现 "Router.push 不是函数" 的错误通常有以下几种原因: 版本不匹配:请确保你使用的 Next.js 和 react-router 版本兼容并且相匹配。 引入错误:检查你的代码中是否正确引入了 Router 对象。在 Next.js 中...
When working with Next.js 13 or a newer version of the framework, you might run into the following error: Unhandled Runtime Error Error: NextRouter was not mounted. Screenshot: The cause of the error is that you imported the useRouter hook from next/router. The Solution Advertisements To...
Bug report Describe the bug next/router is not working as expected. Instead of redirecting, it is throwing the error mentioned in the title. To Reproduce Just setup a new Next.js project by fetching next, react and react-dom. Create an i...
next js Router.push reloads page When I doRouter.pushmy page reloads, I would expect pushState to be used. Using the following code in the component: importRouterfrom"next/router";//other codeconstsearch =useCallback(e=>{ e.preventDefault();Router.push(`/products-search/${encodeURI...
自从next.js14发布之后,app router变成了官网主推的架构区别于pages router的传统架构,app router更适合最新的react,于是自己动手把next-auth、redux-toolkit、ant-design、tailwindcss也一同集成进来,分享给大家,如果有错误之处欢迎大家指正。 操作 1、创建项目 ...
为了让你的Next.js应用更好地被搜索引擎发现,Next.js引入了一个非常实用的功能——元数据API。通过这个API,你可以为每个页面定义元数据,确保当你的页面被分享或索引时显示准确、相关的信息。 随着现代Web应用的发展,用户界面变得越来越复杂,同时用户对应用的响应速度和互动性有着更高的期待。在这样的背景下,Next....
The docs for the push method are currently one sentence here: https://nextjs.org/docs/app/api-reference/functions/use-router#userouter The migration guide does not mention the fact that the method is no longer async or describe how a migration should take place to the new push https://ne...