But when i'm refreshing the page /login, instead of showing homepage with modal, it shows a 404 with the modal above. 404 not found with modal above This is my folder structure project folder structure This is my Dialog code (login/page.tsx) 'use client'; import {useRouter} from 'ne...
this.router.push('/login') return Promise.reject(error) }) } } ) However, when SSR is doing Internet projects, this solution is not very friendly. There are the following problems to be solved: 1. The jwt token cannot take the initiative to expire before it expires, so if you want t...
However, navigating to the photo via a shareable URL or refreshing the page should render the full photo page,not the modal. To intercept routes,Next.jsuses the(..)convention, similar to../for segments. (.)matches segments on thesame level ...
I read somewhere (…totally not GPT4…) that: “With AWS Amplify set up, you don't usually need to worry about manually adding these credentials to your GraphQL requests. Amplify handles the fetching and refreshing of these temporary credentials and includes them in the API calls.” Is that...
We then have the javascript code, which we use to handle the form submission. So, at first, we stop the page from refreshing by preventing the default behaviour of the form submission event. We then take in the form data, i.e. the audio file and send it as a POST request to the ...
returnValue = 'Are you sure you want to leave?'); }; let leaveConfirmed = false; export const useLeavePrevention = () => { const router = useRouter(); // Use beforeunload to prevent closing the tab, refreshing the page or moving outside the Next app useEffect(() => { window....
However, refreshing the page correctly resolves to app/[lang]/page.js. SSR vs. Client-side Navigation: On refresh (localhost:3000/hello), the server resolves the route correctly and renders app/[lang]/page.js. On client-side navigation, the router falls back to pages/[...slug].js. ...
The issue is difficult to reproduce, it does not always happen. Here I had logged in and it had failed to get back the expected response from two endpoints. As you can see from the picture the two endpoints before this went through fine. Simply refreshing the page it works again. sct...
Router.push({ pathname: `/asset/${id}/book`, query: { date: selectedDate, appointmentType }, }); Worked fine on 9.3, the team updated to 9.5, and it's not working. Do you see the request for /_next/static/development/_devPagesManifest.json? is it successful? Doesn't seem to ...
(thus, depending on which Lambda serves the requests, the result could be different if they don't use the same memoized cache) * This could be the most surprising, as you don't know which Lambda will serve you, so you may see a different content by refreshing the page * (especially ...