Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander is not included in this breakdown due to an enrollment of 0%. Faculty & Staff 23 Classroom Teachers N/A Faculty with Advanced Degrees Sports & Athletics Data is not available for sports and athletics programs atNewman Catholic High School....
地理位置:1130 West Bridge Street, Wausau, WI 54401-2996马上预订 名额有限,欲报从速!流程步骤 留学咨询 定制方案 签订合同 启动服务 签证指导 签证成功 启程留学详细介绍 学校简介: 1951年,为了满足威斯康星州的沃索地区对教育的高标准要求,John P. Tracy主教创建了纽曼天主学校(Newman Catholic Middle and ...
At Newman Catholic Schools, students are encouraged to embrace their faith throughout their educational journey. As our guiding message states, students are encouraged to grow in their faith as a disciple of Christ. Students live His word through service opportunities within their school, parish and...
学校地址:1130 West Bridge Street, Wausau, WI 54401-2996学校介绍 基本信息 学校类型:混校 宗教背景:天主教 建校时间:1951 年级:6-12 学生人数:272人(高中156人) 班级平均人数: 16人 高级教师:40% 师生比例:1:9 国际学生人数:3 人(均来自中国) 住宿类型:寄宿家庭 是否与GP合作:否 地理位置 地址:1130...