Learn more about Newman Catholic High School here - See an overview of the school, get student population data, enrollment information, test scores and more.
Tracy主教创建了纽曼天主学校(Newman Catholic Middle and High Schools)。学校以伟大的英语学者和牧师John Henry Cardinal Newman的名字命名,学校的教育系统也秉承了Newman的教育理念,他认为应该将宗教信仰与教育相结合来创造更加完善的天主教教育。如今,学校(已更名为纽曼天主学校)由2个小学部、一个初中部和一个高中...
At Newman Catholic Schools, students are encouraged to embrace their faith throughout their educational journey. As our guiding message states, students are encouraged to grow in their faith as a disciple of Christ. Students live His word through service opportunities within their school, parish and...
学校地址:1130 West Bridge Street, Wausau, WI 54401-2996学校介绍 基本信息 学校类型:混校 宗教背景:天主教 建校时间:1951 年级:6-12 学生人数:272人(高中156人) 班级平均人数: 16人 高级教师:40% 师生比例:1:9 国际学生人数:3 人(均来自中国) 住宿类型:寄宿家庭 是否与GP合作:否 地理位置 地址:1130...