New York state has not yet announced whether or not there will be a cap on carryover hours. What happens to accrued sick leave if the employee leaves? Nothing in the law requires you to pay employees for unused accrued sick leave if they voluntarily or involuntarily leave the company. When...
New York currently has no reciprocal agreements with any other states. This doesn’t mean, however, that interstate workers living in New York pay double. It’s federally illegal for two states to tax the same income. In most cases, the employee’s work state will credit or refund them ...
A recent New York law and an amendment to New York City’s existing Earned Safe and Sick Time Act (“ESSTA”) will require employers to update their policies and issue notices before the end of the year. Below is a summary of the new NY law, the amended NYC law and the...
After almost one month since going into effect, New York State has issued the first round of guidance on the New York State Paid Sick Leave Law (“NYSSL”) on October 20, 2020. As we recently reported, the NYSSL requires all private employers in the State to provide employees with ...
Earlier in 2020, New York State enacted a comprehensive new law, N.Y. Labor Law § 196-B, requiring employers to provide sick leave to all employees. The law takes effect on September 30, 2020, and employees will begin accruing leave as of that date, but
With January 1, 2021 quickly approaching, it’s crunch time for New York employers to prepare to comply with the new statewide sick leave law. New York employers have been grappling with questions surrounding the New York Paid Sick Leave law (NYPSL) since...
Employees in New York must be permitted to use sick leave under the New York Paid Sick Leave Law (NYPSL) for recovery from any side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine. Citing studies that found workers were avoiding the COVID-19 vaccine due to fear of missing a day of work due to side...
The Bill also spells out day one rights for paternity, parental and bereavement leave for millions of workers, while statutory sick pay will be paid from the first day of a worker being sick rather than having to wait until the fourth day. ...
*** UPDATE: Mayor de Blasio signed the bill into law on September 28, and it will take effect on September 30, 2020, except as otherwise set forth below. *** The New York City Council has passed a bill aimed at aligning the NYC Earned Safe and Sick Time
Companies that violate employment and labor laws in New York risk serious legal consequences. Learn how to stay compliant with employment and labor laws in New York.