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a period that included his resurrection of the Harlem-based The Voice and his work as a managing editor, associate editor and columnist of Marcus Garvey’s Negro World, soapbox orator, lecturer at the New York Public Library, political activist and independent writer. ...
Dec 8, 2020 | Blog New York’s New Anti-SLAPP Law Expands Protections for Defendants On November 10, 2020, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law New York’s revised Anti Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (Anti-SLAPP) law. The new Anti-SLAPP law greatly expands the ...
The Brooklyn Public Library, in collaboration with ActionNYC and Immigrant Justice Corps, provides free immigration consultations, legal services, and information sessions. These services are designed to be accessible to all New Yorkers, regardless of immigration status, ensuring that everyone has the op...
That's why we are pleased to announce a new feature for CSE called Entity Groups. By defining Entity Groups, attributes can be automatically applied (or removed) based on the Entity's name, IP address, or inventory group membership. For example, an Entity Group can be defined that would ...
ServerRoleMembership ServerRunTest ServerSettings ServerTest ServiceBusQueueListTrid ServiceBusQueueTrid ServiceBusSubscriptionListTrid ServiceBusSubscriptionTrid ServiceBusTopic ServiceBusTopicTridList ServiceBusWorker ServiceController ServiceOperation ServiceQueueDestination ServiceQueueSource 服務 SetField SetIteratio...
Something about the dustjacket illustration and its description of the story, set in an aging upper West Side branch of the New York Public Library, made me want to keep reading. Catch a Brass Canary was Donna Hill’s first novel and I soon saw that neither her prose style nor her chara...
New York City has three public library systems. The other two are Brooklyn Public Library and New York Public Library, which serves Manhattan, the Bronx and Staten Island. Layoffs and Contracting-Out Over the past five years, Galante reduced the library staff by nearly 130 positions—and that ...
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Of the estimated 100,000-plus occupants and visitors of this seven-high-rise building complex, the explosion left six dead and 1,042 injured (most suffered from smoke inhalation). It severely damaged many of the complex's fire protection systems. For example, the fire alarm communication system...