The New York Public Library (NYPL) has been an essential provider of free books, information, ideas, and education for all New Yorkers for more than 100 years.
纽约公共图书馆 New York Public Library *点击以缩略图片,查看大图!纽约公共图书馆建筑华丽,门口的两只石狮子名为忍耐和坚强。图书馆馆藏丰富,图书、期刊、手稿、图片等共1647万册,并对公众免费开放。游客通过安检后便可参观古色古香的大厅、阅览室和陈列展室。 颇具古典气息的图书馆也是影视作品中的常客,《博物...
Mycoffee-zy 24-05-4 20:44 发布于 美国 来自 iPhone客户端 纽约公共图书馆(New York Public Library)是美国最大的市立公共图书馆。1895年由阿斯特图书馆、伦诺克斯图书馆和蒂尔登信托公司合并而成。该馆经费主要来源于捐款。1911年竣工的宫殿式馆舍建筑具有新古典主义风格。1992年底馆藏1647万册(件),其中图书...
纽约公共图书馆(New York Public library)是世界上最繁忙的图书馆,每年接待读者1000万人次,注册的会员超过300万人。4…|基于1196个网页 2. 纽约市立图书馆 纽约市立图书馆(New York Public Library)今天上演了一场疯狂的表演:令人晕眩的转盘和哈哈镜,化妆成三十年代版本佛兰 … ...
New York, NY Overview Repositories Projects Packages People More Popular repositoriesLoading nypl-design-systemnypl-design-systemPublic React design system putting accessibility first. TypeScript726 historical-minecrafthistorical-minecraftPublic ...
"The New York Public Library's Humanities and Social Sciences Library encourages the preservation and cultivation of the documentary evidence of human behavior, social life and culture, by acquiring, organizing and making accessible materials for study in the fields of history, languages and literature...
这是NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY, THE BRANCH LIBRARIES的页面列表。 它的详细信息州, 城市, 地址, 邮政编码, 电话, 在线地图如下。 图书馆信息 图书馆名称: NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY, THE BRANCH LIBRARIES 地址: 445 FIFTH AVENUE Address Mail: 445 FIFTH AVENUE 城市: NEW YORK 州: NY - New Yor...
简介 Get the power of The New York Public Library, anytime, anywhere. With the NYPL app, you can access everything the Library has to offer from home or while you’re on the go. Search the catalog, request books for pickup, use your phone for self-checkout, renew your materials, an...