出示憑證入場 使用有效期 憑證由預訂確認日期起計有效730日,直至有效期最後一日的23:59。 您的紐約探索者通票 (New York Explorer Pass) 將於您首次參觀任何景點時啟用。啟用後,您將有60 天的時間參觀其餘景點 方案詳情 費用包括 景點入場:從90 多個精選景點列表中選擇 3 個景點 景點資訊與說明的數位指南 費用...
New York Explorer Pass —— 可选3/5/7/10个景点 最近发现这个NewYork Explorer Pass也非常赞,不仅在性价比上可以和上面的CityPASS纽约城市通票媲美,在灵活性和选择性上又完胜纽约城市通票。 NewYork Explorer Pass是一个包含五十几个纽约城市景点的低价景点一卡通,你可以在这些景点范围内随意挑选最爱的3、5、7...
New York Explorer Pass 3个景点,是不是可以选择Woodbury、洛克菲勒观景台和帝国大厦?为什么问几家都说没有那个奥莱,即使包括奥莱也没有VIP折扣卡呢?难道这个卡还不一样?有没了解的朋友帮我解解惑?谢谢了! New York Explorer Pass 3个景点,是不是可以选择Woodbury、洛克菲勒观景台和帝国大厦?为什么问几家都说没有...
根据文章标题New York City Explorer Pass.(纽约市探险家通行证)可知,本文章主要介绍了使用纽约探险家通行证,能享受到各种服务,并对其进行了说明。所以这篇文章的目的主要是介绍产品,故选A.本文是一篇广告布告类阅读,文章介绍了使用纽约探险家通行证,能享受到各种服务,并对其进行了说明。做这类题材阅读理解时要求...
Go City New York Explorer Pass: Save up to 50% - Includes Edge 663 Theme Park Tickets and Tours from $84.00 per adultAre you currently on your trip? Help us find experiences available for you. Yes NoThe area 180 Greenwich St World Trade Center, New York City, NY...
New York Explorer Pass If you aren’t sure you want to commit to a pass that includes most of the attractions in New York, then you might instead consider theNew York Explorer Passfrom GoCity. This pass has you choosing how many attractions you want to visit in New York. You can choos...
Klook's Go City New York Explorer Pass was a game-changer for my NYC trip! I saved 40% visiting 7 attractions, including One world Observatory and River cruise . Easy to use digital pass, flexible itinerary, and good customer support. Some attractions required timed-entry, but overall a gr...
从激活的那天算起 30天内有效 我打算去 Top of the Rock Empire State Building Statue of Liberty ...
This pass could be right for you if you don’t plan on seeing every sight in NYC and/or if you don’t want to sightsee every day.If you plan to make the most of every minute in New York City, Go City offers an All-Inclusive Pass. Instead of choosing sights, the pass is good ...