出示憑證入場 使用有效期 憑證由預訂確認日期起計有效730日,直至有效期最後一日的23:59。 您的紐約探索者通票 (New York Explorer Pass) 將於您首次參觀任何景點時啟用。啟用後,您將有60 天的時間參觀其餘景點 方案詳情 費用包括 景點入場:從90 多個精選景點列表中選擇 3 個景點 景點資訊與說明的數位指南 費用...
New York City Explorer PassDetails •Guided Tours•New York City Explorer Pass With the New York City Explorer Pass, get access to 50 top attractions, tours and activities all at one low price! See the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island; take a guided bike tour through Central Park; ad...
New York City is America’s real land of opportunity, and here’s an opportunity you can’t pass up. With a New York City Explorer Pass you can choose to check out 3, 5 or 7 amazing attractions — from a list of over 60. This convenience will save you time. See the big art muse...
New York Explorer Pass —— 可选3/5/7/10个景点 最近发现这个NewYork Explorer Pass也非常赞,不仅在性价比上可以和上面的CityPASS纽约城市通票媲美,在灵活性和选择性上又完胜纽约城市通票。 NewYork Explorer Pass是一个包含五十几个纽约城市景点的低价景点一卡通,你可以在这些景点范围内随意挑选最爱的3、5、7...
纽约城市通票大PK:City Pass New York Pass New York Explorer Pass 哪个才是游玩的正确方式? 去纽约玩耍要是不买上一张城市通票那你一定不是旅游达人。城市通票省钱、省时、省力,简直就是出游神器。但是,大纽约的城市通票一共有三种,很多童鞋因此也犯了糊涂,到底该选择哪一种才最合适最划算捏?
Get a New York CityPASS® and experience 5 must-see attractions, handpicked and packaged together at a 40% savings. Your ticket is valid for 9 consecutive days including the first day of use.
Go City: New York Explorer Pass With theGo City: New York Explorer Pass, choose up to10 iconic attractions, craft your own itineraryand enjoysavings of up to 50%on admission fees! SUMMIT One Vanderbilt Ticket Don't miss out on breathtaking views of New York and avant-garde immersive art ...
比如自然博物馆,explorer pass包含的就是普通门票,不含space show,而city pass里面是包含space show或3D电影的。再比如帝国大厦,city pass包含一早一晚两次的门票,explorer pass只有一次,如果你是摄影爱好者,想登两次楼,那么city pass更有吸引力了。当然explorer pass的好处就是选择多,city pass里去掉可乐捐的大...
该卡首次使用便被激活,在连续的有效时间段内,80多个景点免费游览,但每个景点仅限进入一次。理论上只要你有足够的精力,哪怕买1日的NYP,一天内去完所有景点也是没问题的。在景点范围的选择这点上,相比New York City PASS(纽约城市通票)和New York City Explorer Pass(纽约城市探索一卡通),NYP自然更胜一筹。
The Go City: New York City Explorer Pass is a sightseeing card that will give you access to various attractions. It's cheaper than buying tickets separately.1. Decide now how many attractions you want to access. Choose from 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 10 attraction passes . 2. You can ...