My goal with this page is to shine a light on what the Bible says about tithing (in both the New and Old testament) and answer many questions you may have about it. I tapped into the wisdom of others who have studied tithing in the Bible to great depths and hopefully we can better...
My goal with this page is to shine a light on what the Bible says about tithing (in both the New and Old testament) and answer many questions you may have about it. I tapped into the wisdom of others who have studied tithing in the Bible to great depths and hopefully we can better...
The New Testament follows the Old Testament in the Bible, the book which is held sacred by all Christians. The New Testament touches on some of the same themes as the Old Testament, yet it also gives a very different perspective on how the faithful should live....
Join David Servant in this 7-minute, weekday video series as he teaches chronologically through the New Testament, verse-by-verse. You will enjoy David’s balanced yet non-compromising teaching of God’s Word. And you will gain new insights that will help you grow spiritually. Make sure to...
Instead, it is simply an extra addition to it, in full doctrinal harmony, teaching faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, baptism for the remission of sins, and the giving of the gifts of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands by the authority of the priesthood, and giving the history of...
Francis. The presence of these two chapels named for Marian images from Jalisco so close together in northern New Mexico is a testament to commerce among traders along El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro connecting Mexico City to Santa Fe The Chapel in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary of Talpa...
2) Christ pronounces doom on the “religious” Pharisees for their false ritualistic practices; imagine the eternal horror that awaits priests and bishops who have engaged in and covered up their homosexual acts, especially their crimes against boys and young men. Review the Church’s teaching ab...
Sariah Law or Noahide Lawboth end upBlaspheming the Holy Ghost(the only Unforgivable Sin) on the one hand, but there are 2 balances “And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him...
concert and laser light show. Start with 45 minutes of Christian rock “worship”, sprinkle a few minutes of heart-felt “easy believism” and “come get your blessings” emotional manipulation, close with using the Old Testament tithing command to the Jews only to drain their wallets, and...