My goal with this page is to shine a light on what the Bible says about tithing (in both the New and Old testament) and answer many questions you may have about it. I tapped into the wisdom of others who have studied tithing in the Bible to great depths and hopefully we can better...
My goal with this page is to shine a light on what the Bible says about tithing (in both the New and Old testament) and answer many questions you may have about it. I tapped into the wisdom of others who have studied tithing in the Bible to great depths and hopefully we can better...
communal responsibilities and resource distribution that came with the agrarian tithing system. Further evidence of the weight given by the early Church regarding the communal responsibilities and distribution of resources by the Church was evidenced in the Book of Acts. In the New Testament Church pe...
I am going to assume that you read our articleTithing in the New Testament & Oldthat explains why it is not a “have to” thing, but rather a “get to” thing and answers a whole lot of common questions about tithing. Before we get to a few questions we can ask ourselves ...
The New Testament follows the Old Testament in the Bible, the book which is held sacred by all Christians. The New Testament touches on some of the same themes as the Old Testament, yet it also gives a very different perspective on how the faithful should live....
In the New Testament, Jesus affirms the practice of tithing while emphasizing the importance of justice, mercy, and faithfulness. In Matthew 23:23, He criticizes the Pharisees for their meticulous tithing while neglecting the weightier matters of the law: "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees,...
Why Mention Melchizedek and tithing in the book of Hebrews (New Testament) It is often said that tithing isn’t mentioned in the New Testament. Yet it is most definitely mentioned in the book of Hebrews. Also, Hebrews 7:1-10 is most definitely talking about tithes being paid to the ne...
Tithe was practised in the Old Testament, but the New Testa- ment emphasises the attitude of the giver. Giving money is about relationships and goodwill. It is important that church members value their churches and commit themselves as con- stant givers. Tithing can be traced throughout the...
This books examines all the arguments for tithing in the light of Christ's finished work on the cross, the New Covenant and the real nature of life in Christ.
(4) The Mormon church is too legalistic on tithing. The word tithe is only mentioned six times in the New Testament, at Mat. 23:23, Luke 11:42 and Heb. 7:5,6,8,9. "Tithing was an Old Testament obligation that was incumbent on the Jews under the Law of Moses. Christians are ...