On November 15, a federal court voided the new overtime rule that was going to increase the FLSA salary threshold to $43,888 annually.
Joshua W. Abel
Are you prepared?The new law took effect on July 1, 2024, and raises the overtime salary threshold for non-exempt staff. This means non-profits have to find ways to mitigate the extra costs. Here’s how the My Hours time-tracking app can help....
Also under “New Business” was an update on new overtime rules issued by the U.S. Department of Labor on April 23, 2024. The U.S. Department of Labor has issued a new “Final Rule” regulation that will impact minimum salary requirements for employees, including those in municipal positi...
Pennsylvania’s new overtime rules were finally published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin on October 3, bringing a long-running battle to an end. While companies won’t see an increase in the minimum salary threshold for exempt employees this year, they need to prepare for a 14% increase one ye...
Critics, though, say the new rules don’t go far enough. Aprevious proposal, under President Barack Obama, would have raised the salary threshold toroughly $47,000. That would have spread the overtime payments to an estimated 4 million workers. A Texas judgestruck down that number. The Tru...
Effective October 3, 2020, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) has updated Pennsylvania’s overtime rules to increase the salary threshold for qualifying under the Pennsylvania Minimum Wage Act (PMWA) as an exempt executive, administrative, and professional employee. The rule ...
The Department of Labor (DOL) announced a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) that would increase the Fair Labor Standards Act’s (FLSA’s) annual salary-level threshold to $55,068 from $35,568 for white-collar exemptions to overtime requirements. The proposed rule would make about 3.6 ...
However, this new law comes with its own set of rules. While employers must disclose pay and benefits, they are not mandated to make a job posting nor are they forbidden from inquiring about an applicant’s wage or salary. But, non-compliance can be a pricey affair, with penalties ranging...
They are also now prohibited from hiring or firing workers even if their height or weight precludes them from doing the task assigned. Employers based in both the state and city must also deal with recent and proposed overtime pay rules, which already exceed what’s being ...