In order to select a new medication for a patient with epilepsy, it would be helpful to have an idea of which drug might have the greatest overall chance for success. Since epilepsy is a chronic disorder, the long-term effectiveness and tolerability of the medications are very important. ...
It is essential to investigate the potential synergy between a new drug and existing medications approved by the US FDA. This approach could even be extended to situations where adjuvant treatment, such as tau-related treatments, is provided after amyloid clearance has been achieved. Clinical trials...
Cancer is the world's second-leading cause of death. Drug development efforts frequently focus on medicinal plants since they are a valuable source of anticancer medications. A phytochemical investigation of the edible Ziziphus spina-christi (F. Rhamnace
we still have few drugs for the disease therapy and their great toxicity and side effects put in check the treatment control program around the world. Moreover, the emergence of strains resistant to conventional drugs, co-infections such
Investigators will report start of other medications at every study visit. Whether participants will have serious adverse events (SAE) and adverse events of special interest (AEoSI) during the study period. AEoSI include, but are not limited to, infections, malignancies, and joint complaints or ...
Requirements for stability upon entry included that over the prior two months there were: 1) no hospitalizations, 2) no change in CHF medications, and 3) a physician’s assessment of stability. Patients were enrolled from the outpatient cardiology clinics of Truman Medical Center and the Mid-...
Osteoarthritis affects the morphological properties of the femoral head. The goal of this study was to develop a method to elucidate whether these changes are localised to discrete regions, or if the reported trends in microstructural changes may be iden
Although aging has traditionally been viewed as the most important risk factor for osteoarthritis (OA), an increasing amount of epidemiological evidence has highlighted the association between metabolic abnormalities and OA, particularly in younger indiv
UK standard costs will be used for unit costs. This may somewhat over- or under-estimate local unit costs, but allows explicit comparison of costs and local adjustments can be made. Unit costs associated with the intervention will be obtained from the Personal Social Services Research Unit (...
512 patients with early AD who will receive either monthly doses of aducanumab of up to 10 mg/kg or placebo for 18 months. The aim of the trial is to determine the efficacy of aducanumab in delaying cognitive and functional decline in comparison with placebo, which would be determined on ...