Emily Langer
especially after a workout. I also suggest to not eat a large meal prior to using a sauna. Electrolytes are also important, so don’t forget to replenish especially on a low carb diet!
Banana Bread in a Glass Fiber is one of those nutrients Americans struggle with. And by struggle with, I mean they don’t get enough on a regular basis. According to theMayo Clinic, eating adequate fiber as part of a balanced diet is linked to a reduced risk of dying fromcardiovascular ...
health changes are primarily pursued through sellable commodities. These include wearable technologies, books, diet and exercise programs, gym memberships, healthcare visits, motivation seminars, supplements, and personal trainers.
From chemical irritants to environmental conditions, hormonal shifts, stress, and even diet, many factors can trigger or exacerbate skin sensitivities. But when skin needs are as unique as they are personal, how can you tell which sensitive skincare products are right for you? We consulted with...
Whole30 became one of the most popular diets to try in 2016. That January, searches for the term “Whole30” spiked on Google. The diet involves cutting things like dairy, sugar, and legumes from your meals for a month to“reset your body and cravings.” ...
According to theMayo Clinic, the Mediterranean diet: “incorporates the basics of healthy eating — plus a splash of flavorful olive oil and perhaps a glass of red wine — among other components characterizing the traditional cooking style of countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. ...
A diet without enough protein could lead to a weaker immune system, making it harder for the body to fight off both bacterial and viral infections. The amino acids—aka the building blocks of life—that make up proteins stick around after digestion and help repair body tissue among carrying ...
MayoClinic.com - Feeling down, but don't think you're depressed? There's a self-screening test that might help you figure out what's going on and what you can do to get yourself back on track. Visitors to the site can take an interactive depression self-assessment test that gives them...
After the diagnosis of homocystinuria was confirmed, he was placed on a low methionine diet, folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, betaine supplementation and enoxaparin. Serial brain MRI showed complete resolution of the cerebral venous thrombosis with improvement of the white matter changes in ...