When do polls close in New Jersey? New Jersey polls opened at 6 a.m. and closed at 8 p.m. on Election Day.Click hereto see what was on the ballot in New Jersey.Click here to check election results. Late in the evening state Attorney General Matt Platkin filed a complaint ask...
New Jersey Abbr.NJorN.J. A state of the east-central United States on the Atlantic Ocean. One of the original Thirteen Colonies, it was settled by Dutch and Swedish colonists in the 1620s and 1630s, was ceded to the English as part of New Netherland in 1664, and became a royal provi...
A battleground U.S. House is locked in a tight race as the first-term Republican incumbent fights to maintain the seat in New Jersey’s 7th Congressional District, according to a new poll. Rep. Tom Kean, Jr., R-N.J., maintains an advantage among voters on several key is...
Get the latest New Jersey news, sports, and breaking updates. View daily NJ weather and top stories from Jersey City, Atlantic City, and beyond on NJ.com.
Evening results:992 Evening drawing Primary key digit: xx9,x9x Secondary key digits:2, 8 Tertiary key digits: 1, 6xx Primary key pairs:29, 98, 28 Secondary key pairs: Tertiary key pairs: 289 219 629 249229299899 228 288 889 119 449 669 199 499 699 ...
In this episode of NJ Now, we take look at some of the most inspirational New Jersey stories of 2024 as we celebrate some of the people here in the Garden State who are making a real difference in our communities! From real-life hero first responders in Mahwah, New Jersey who saved the...
Jersey democrats in the state Senate and Assembly have vowed to pass a gay marriage bill by the end of the year – saying it’s one of their top priorities.A newpollfinds a majority of Garden state residents support that decision.
"Honestly, I don't think the poll refutes the point that Snooki and company do not represent real New Jerseyans, the Jersey Shore or New Jersey in any way," he said. "Or that they are an embarrassment." Regardless of who has seen the show and who hasn't, the poll found that overa...
Evan Nappen - New Jersey Gun Law 25th Anniversary Edition NEW JERSEY GUN LAW is a 120 major topics of New Jersey gun law, presented in an easy-to-read FAQ format. New chapters on Carry Permits, Ghost Guns, Red Flag laws, Gun Owner Gulag, Fifty Cal Rifles, Assault Firearms, Smart Guns...
Tomorrow night, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy plans to lead a call of the state's delegates to the Democratic National Convention to unite the party and deliver them for Vice President Kamala Harris, according to a person ...