NEW YORK-- Polls have closed in the Tri-State Area for the2024 general election. New York's closed at 9 p.m., while polls in Connecticut closed at 8 p.m. Most New Jersey polls also closed at 8 p.m., but thestate attorney general filed a complaintthat kept Burlington County...
Today, the NJ Senate Republican Caucus sent a letter to NJ Board of Public Utilities (BPU) President Christine Guhl-Sadovy, demanding the BPU to prioritize reliability and affordability amid the recent electric rate hike on New Jersey residents. Read on... Amato Bill to Expand Higher Education...
1. New Jersey's Partisan Lean New Jersey consistently votes for Democrats in Presidential elections. From time to time, they will elect Republicans to statewide positions, but Democrats have won the lionshare of elections in the Trump era. Right now, Democrats have won every statewide office, ho...
New Jersey politician receives call from push-pollsters, sponsors legislation to outlaw phony polls.(Originated from Knight-Ridder Newspapers)Turcol, Thomas
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PRINCETON, N.J. (AP) — New Jersey Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy signed a law Monday to prohibit public and school libraries from banning books in the state and to enshrine protections against civil and criminal charges for librarians who comply with the l
[Related: The Latest Political Polls Collected By FiveThirtyEight] We also introduced a change with ourpresidential primary averagesthis year, where our method now recognizes that certain types of major events are more likely to produce changes in the polls. That means we now treat certain...
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Kean, who narrowly defeated a Democrat in 2022, is the scion of one of New Jersey’s most storied political dynasties. His father, Tom Kean, is a former two-term governor who is among the most popular political figures in the state’s modern histo...
Tomorrow night, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy plans to lead a call of the state's delegates to the Democratic National Convention to unite the party and deliver them for Vice President Kamala Harris, according to a person ...