The autumnal equinox may be three weeks away, but fall’s unofficial arrival has already ushered in the updated, 2024–25 flu vaccines. An influenza virus can make you ill any time of year. What we think of as the seasonal flu in the U.S., however, usually spreads throughout the fall...
If the Northern Hemisphere sees similar patterns of flu virus strains, the study's authors wrote that "health authorities might anticipate similar levels of protection." A CDC spokesperson said that the effectiveness of the vaccine for H1N1 was "within the range" of previous seasons. "Overall, ...
There are eight brands of flu vaccinesavailablein Australia in 2024. These include egg-based vaccines (Vaxigrip Tetra, Fluarix Tetra, Afluria Quad, FluQuadri and Influvac Tetra), cell-based vaccines (Flucelvax Quad), adjuvanted vaccines (Fluad Quad) and high-dose vaccines (Fluzone High-Dose Qu...
“It’s much easier to control virus spread when you’re talking about a virus spreading from cow to cow than controlling spread from birds to cows,” said Dr. Scott Hensley, a microbiologist who studies the evolution of flu viruses at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman Schoo...
With changing recommendations and multiple seasonal viruses to contend with, here’s your simple guide to the 2024-2025 cold and flu season and when to call your doctor.
While H1N1 dominated nearly all infections last year in South America, this year the World Health Organizationsaysthere were more detections of the H3N2 subtype of flu. If the Northern Hemisphere sees similar patterns of flu virus strains, the study's authors wrote that "health authorities might ...
The convergence of multiple flu strains in one animal can allow new virus strains to form—just as they did in past pandemics. By Jessica Hamzelouarchive page September 20, 2024 Stephanie Arnett/MIT Technology Review | Envato This article first appeared in The Checkup,MIT Technology Review’swe...
The study also found that oral 4'-FlU administered at the lowest efficacious dose (2 mg/kg) or elevated dose (10 mg/kg) overcame moderate resistance when mice were infected with a lethal amount of influenza virions. This was demonstrated by significantly reduced virus load and complete surviva...
Flu-V, a single-treatment flu vaccine, is about to enter clinical trials in the UK. The vaccine, if proven to be effective against all strains of flu virus, could eliminate the need for annual flu vaccinations.Recent Videos Emerging Therapies in Oncology: Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes Industry...
It is normal for waves of cold and flu infections to occur during winter, and some years these waves are larger than others for reasons that aren’t well understood. More infections overall mean there will be more severe cases and therefore more hospital admissions. “There’s nothing to indi...