Human H1N1 influenza virus The influenza virus is a negative-sense, single-stranded RNA virus with a lipid-containing envelope and an eight-segment genome encoding 11 or 12 proteins. The pleomorphic viral particles observed in cell culture or clinical specimens may vary from spherical to ...
Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Ag蛋白 价 格 ¥2610 起批量 ≥1支 最小起订1支 供货总量999支 发货地址上海市浦东新区 建议售价¥2610/支 更新日期 2024年12月20日 产品规格50ug,25ug,50ul,25ul 即时洽谈 立即询价 查看联系方式 收藏产品 发送留言 举报 VIP6年 爱必信(上海)生物科技有限公司 高新技...
InfluenzaVirusA甲型流感(禽流感)病毒H1亚型染料法荧光定量RT-PCR试剂盒,PCR检测试剂盒是一种用于聚合酶链式反应(Polymerase Chain Reaction,PCR)的试剂盒,它包含进行PCR实验所需的各种试剂和成分。PCR是一种分子生物学技术,用于在体外条件下快速制造数百万至数十亿份特定DNA序列的拷贝。PCR检测试剂盒根据其用途和检测目...
Influenza A virus is an enveloped negative-strandedRNAvirus, with a segmented genome of 8 pieces, which encode a total of 14 proteins[8]. There are three major envelope proteins embedded in the virussurface:hemagglutinin(HA),neuraminidase(NA), and matrix protein 2 (M2)[5].HAis responsible fo...
Influenza viruses are presumed, but not conclusively known, to spread among humans by several possible routes. We provide evidence of a mode of transmission seldom considered for influenza: airborne virus transport on microscopic particles called “aeros
Description: Matrix Protein M1 (58-66) 是源于甲型流感病毒 (influenza A virus) 的基质蛋白表位, Matrix Protein M1 (58-66)是一种由9个氨基酸组成的多肽。 Matrix Protein M1 (58-66) is a matrix protein epitope derived from influenza A virus, and Matrix Protein M1 (58-66) is a peptide compos...
Influenza A virus-IN-8 (S5) 是一种在实验中具有广泛应用的大环肽。它的特点是无细胞毒性,这意味着它在实验中不会对细胞造成损害,从而保证了实验的准确性和可靠性。Influenza A virus-IN-8 作为一种有效的甲型流感病毒 (IAV) 抑制剂,其作用机制是通过与 HA 茎中的一个保守区域结合,从而阻止病毒的进一步...
Influenza A virus has an eight-partite RNA genome that during viral assembly forms a complex containing one copy of each RNA. Genome assembly is a selective process driven by RNA-RNA interactions and is hypothesized to lead to discrete punctate structures scattered through the cytosol. Here, we ...
Basic features of influenza virus genome structure, replication and evolution are reviewed with a special emphasis upon the segmentary structure of the genome and the use of cell mRNA as primer in virus-specific transcription. The structural and functional autonomy of virus genomic segments and the ...
Recombinant Influenza A virus HA/Hemagglutinin Protein, N-Hi 价 格 ¥1880 起批量 ≥1支 最小起订1支 供货总量99999支 发货地址湖北省武汉市 建议售价¥1880/支 更新日期 2024年12月20日 产品规格100ug 即时洽谈 立即询价 查看联系方式 收藏产品 发送留言 举报 VIP3年 武汉佰乐博生物技术有限公...