The Enhanced Anvil function like Minecraft anvil. NOTE : Upgraded Enchantment Table and Enhanced Anvil can be remove by break it with your hand. Sword Enchantments 1.Boost Harvest Hold the sword while standing on a crop and then long press and the crop will grow INSTANTLY. ...
stew. The golden mushroomacts like the golden apple and gives the user strength and absorption. It can also be crafted into a new andmore powerful suspicious stew. This stew grants the player arandom set of powerful enchantments. It's like a really beefed-up version of regular suspicious ...
Enchantments Applied: 290 Alien Abductions: 2 Endermen Teleportation Errors: 2 Herobrine Sightings: 6 Living Statues Befriended: 2 Crystal Caves Mapped: 6 Are you tired of being disrespected by your own family members? Join our Minecraft server where everyone respects your wishes, even if they inv...
Enchantments; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.item.ShearsItem; import net.minecraft.item.SwordItem; import net.minecraft.item.ToolItem; import net.minecraft.registry.Registry; import net.minecraft.registry.RegistryKeys; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net....
MCPE-189010Mojang Minecraft natural textures prevents game to load after exiting the game and returning MC-278814Villager Trades Limited to Specific Enchantments MCPE-189009Eerie Mojang Office Party causing game crashes. MCL-24788Mineraft crashes on every version after 1.20 ...
An all new enchanting table: Choose your enchantments for fair prices! Plus no more randomness! - Fuzss/enchantinginfuser
Power Up!- Unlock dozens of unique items and weapon enchantments for devastating special attacks. Multiplayer!- Up to four players can team up and fight together in co-op mode. Options!- Personalize your character, then fight up-close and personal with melee swings, hang back with ranged atta...
Minecraft Dungeons is finally getting cross-play with an update rolling out next month. Mojang Studios has also announced a new expansion for the game coming in December.
Minecraft [44] Gameplay [3] Modpacks [4] Resource Packs [7] Weapons [1] Worlds [10] Mobs [2] Shaders [12] Tools [1] Decor [1] Food [0] Vehicles [0] Magic [0] Realistic [4] RPG [0] Blocks [0] Ores [0] Interface [0] Building [1] Spider-Man...
[Addon]Minecraft基岩版故事模式 12:10 [Addon]Minecraft基岩版RLC真实生活模块包 07:18 [Addon]我的世界基岩版真实的第一人称 01:46 [Addon]Minecraft基岩版恐龙工艺整合包 05:43 [Addon]Minecraft基岩版末日生存:沃克计划 07:07 [Addon]Minecraft基岩版基岩版地牢工艺3.0新生物群系 15:43 [Addon]Minecraft基岩...