更多附魔(More Enchantments)Mod只要使用附魔便可直接附魔,最高等级的附魔书在“创造模式”中直接提供 【靴子附魔】 1. 迅捷: 每级附魔增加使用者 12.5%的行走和疾跑速度。 2. 跃进: 每级附魔让使用者跳跃高度增加一格。 3 冰径之途: @使玩家脚下的水面冻结. @当玩家踏过熔岩时使之冻结为黑曜石。如果玩家跑...
There has been some mis-conceptions that this mod won’t be available but those all instructions are false because the new developer has started developing this mod. The progress has been 100 percent complete. So guys check it out yourself. More Enchantments Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4 for Minecra...
更多附魔MOD! 1..MOD原地址 http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1357421-more-enchantments-mod/这个MOD需要 Forge(用MODLOADER也行)
我的世界基岩版Raiyon的更多附魔V1.2.2汉化版(附下载链接)/More Enchantments 11:38 25:57 [附下载链接]我的世界基岩版顶级枪械Radium's Armament v1.4更新 Kendny77 7.4万 39 01:43 [我的世界]国际基岩版 质量与细节致上的枪械模组 Radiums Armament V1.6更新!Radiums Armament Addon YeeHenry 2982...
我的世界基岩版Raiyon的更多附魔V1.2.2汉化版(附下载链接)/More Enchantments 11:38 [Addon]挑战新BOSS!我的世界1.20更多BOSS模组-欧贝隆V1.0汉化版(附下载链接)/Oberon/我的世界国际基岩版模组介绍 04:55 [Addon]物品信息显示?基岩版1.20辅助类模组Waio高亮显示V1.0.2汉化版(附下载链接)/手机国际版WAILA模组...
[Addon][优质模组介绍]国际版1.20终极植物大战僵尸SERPVZ V1.1.0(附下载链接)/我的世界植物大战僵尸MOD 08:46 [Addon]磁吸漏斗?!让你的世界自动化起来!国际版机械工艺模组V1.2.0汉化版(附下载链接)/MechanicalCraft Addon 14:36 [Addon][优质模组介绍]国际版1.20变形手镯模组V0.1.8汉化版(附下载链接)/Morp...
If you find any hurdle finding your required mod then restart Minecraft. We are optimistic that you will find this guide useful so have fun playing Minecraft. Moreover, there are 5 things which are offered, four of them are enchantments and one is categorized as a curse. Furthermore, there...
Random Enchants is a Minecraft mod that features a collection of different kinds of enchantments and curses that add quite a bit of depth to the Minecraft
for armor, you can get additional step height, night vision, the ability to walk on lava and even multi jumps. There’s a lot to look forward to in the Ma Enchants mod as well because there are new enchantments and even curses that’ll be added to it in the near future through ...