Clubhouse politics has been much maligned…, but at least party regulars could claim credit for an organization that, while skimming its share of graft, also rammed through landmark legislation when the public and political interest coincided… As Mr. Moynihan wrote in The Reporter in 1961, the ...
单词decay 释义decay¹/dɪˈkeɪ/n. 1.(deterioration)+of house, area破败;+of institutions, society, system衰败;衰落 the process of decay衰败过程 the decay of NATO as a war-fighting machine北大西洋公约组织作为战争机器的日渐式微
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+提供應用程式內購買功能。 主機上的線上多人遊戲需要有 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 或 Xbox Game Pass Core (需另行購買)。 藝廊 此內容已遭鎖定 此內容已遭鎖定 輸入您的生日 此內容已遭鎖定 描述 Upgrade to Deluxe Edition and receive the Digital Deluxe Pack which includes: - The Hurk Legacy Pack - ...
J. The highways and byways of mRNA decay. Nature Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 8, 113–126 (2007). Article CAS Google Scholar Bevan, M. J. Cross-priming. Nature Immunol. 7, 363–365 (2006). Article CAS Google Scholar Thomsen, L. B. et al. Nanoparticle-derived non-viral genetic ...
the craft of raw lacquer, involves using the sap from lacquer trees to create a natural coating that provides protection against decay and gives it waterproofing and decorative ancient times, it was said that traveling a hundred li and making a thousand cuts may yield only about ten...
decay 词汇decay 词根词缀decay衰退,腐败de向下+cay=落下=向下掉=衰退★★10291cad, cas, cid=fall,表示“落下,降临”casual偶然的cas+ual=落下的=不是安排好的=偶然的★★4425casualty事故,灾难casual+ty=突然落下的事=事故★★★13304occasion发生,时机oc 使+cas落下+ion=使…落下=事情发生★★★3813decad...
The craft of raw lacquer, involves using the sap from lacquer trees to create a natural coating that provides protection against decay and gives it waterproofing and decorative effects. In ancient times, it was said that traveling a hundred li and making a thousand cuts may yield only about te...
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require continuous maintenance, weather protectants, and water-seal products do not need to be applied to COOWIN. COOWIN's surface offers excellent traction and will not splinter or become structurally unfit due to rotting, split, warping, cupping, checks or damag...