We used a high-resolution regional coupled model to investigate the impact of the El Nio Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on the atmospheric and oceanic processes in the SCS during ENSO decaying winter–spring. The coupled model demonstrates the important roles of mesoscale features in the regional air...
Standing upon a small hill, gazing up at the few lights left flickering in the sky, I sensed with dread the bloated and decaying corpses that in the darkness surrounded us. To the man standing next to me I said, “When daylight comes there will be bodies to collect and bury.” This ...
It’s possible to envision a decent movie about smartphone culture, and maybe even emoji, but it would require a script with a lot more satire and edge than is present inThe Emoji Movie. A vaguely positive message about embracing differences aside, this monstrosity is precisely what you would ...
It’s possible to envision a decent movie about smartphone culture, and maybe even emoji, but it would require a script with a lot more satire and edge than is present inThe Emoji Movie. A vaguely positive message about embracing differences aside, this monstrosity is precisely what you would ...
The odor of decaying carcasses, dripping blood of dead cows and hogs hoistedfrom overhead, will make you feel like vomiting. Running away is not an option. The indigent people you encounter live here and hate trespassers. If you pay attention, and don’t let your fears take over, you may...
Winter’s Tale? Worst of all wasCollateral Beauty, a truly bizarre story about a grieving businessman named Howard visited by the embodiments of Love, Time, and Death — or at least actors the businessman’s cruel partners hire to trick Howard into thinking they are the embodiments of Love...
Saprobic on decaying culms of B. bambusarum. Sexual morp: Ascostromata 111–146 μm high, 460–560 μm diam., (x̄ = 123 × 539 μm, n = 30), immersed under a clypeus, solitary or scattered, raised hemispherical or dome-shaped on host epidermis, black, coriaceous, glabrous, uni...
While I can’t turn the clock back to redo my decisions that led to scaling up so fast at the tail end of the dot com era, I do have some comfort in knowing that our process of selecting the wartime team had a lot to do with our surviving the long nuclear winter that destroyed mo...
(ENSO) on the atmospheric and oceanic processes in the SCS during ENSO decaying winter–spring. The coupled model demonstrates the important roles of mesoscale features in the regional air–sea interaction induced by the anomalous ENSO conditions. DuringEl Niño, the Kuroshio intrusion into the ...
a Halloween jack o’lantern and, following the October festival, sticking it on one of the fence posts in his garden. Partridge walked past the pumpkin each day on the way to his composing shed and, feeling sorry for the increasingly decaying fruit head, decided to write a song about him...