The purpose of this chapter is to draw together into a coherent epidemiology the various theses of the new concept set out in previous chapters. The series of propositions deals with the difficulties individually and each proposition is followed by a bri
7. New concept of cancer origin: Dramatic events within a “cancer-nursery” Cancer, as a new system with altered karyo- and phenotype, originates within a larger and more mature host-system only if a cluster of genetically altered cells builds up its real-time holographic mechanisms of ...
The PEUGEOT INCEPTION CONCEPT is designed on one of the four future Stellantis Group “BEV-by-design” platforms. The arrival of this new range of platforms from 2023 will revolutionise the PEUGEOTs of tomorrow. Specifically created for electrification, they...
Consider a sequence of positive integers\{k_n,n\ge 1\}, and an array of nonnegative real numbers\{a_{n,i},1\le i\le k_n,n\ge 1\}satisfying\sup _{n\ge 1}\sum _{i=1}^{k_n}a_{n,i}=C_0\in (0,\infty ).This paper introduces the concept of\{a_{n,i}\}-stochastic...
The respective anti-tumor therapy using JPM-565 proved to be very successful, resulting in a significant reduction in tumor growth [345], thereby proving the concept of stroma targeting and the cathepsins as potent targets in cancer treatment. Therefore, the application of selective inhibitors of ...
For this reason, we made heavy use of the C++ concept requires. Although this severely limits its usage only within projects that use at least C++20, it allows a clear definition of the function usage constraints, and produces meaningful error messages when these conditions are not met. As a...
Proverbs 8:22-31; The words of Sophia, the Wisdom of God John 1:1-5; 9-14; In the beginning was the Word Gospel of the Beloved Companion 1:1; 2:1-3; The words of Mary Magdelene, the Beloved Companion From the Book of Wisdom, Chapter 7; More from Sophia Suzanne; Song by Leona...
The new concept of supported ionic liquid catalysis involves the surface of a support material that is modified with a monolayer of covalently attached ionic liquid fragments. Treatment of this surface with additional ionic liquid results in the formation of a multiple layer of free ionic liquid on...
Demon Hunter 2: New Chapter (Full) 隱私權原則 交易條款 Demon Hunter 2: New Chapter (Full) 授權條款 End User License Agreement This End User License Agreement (“EULA”) is an agreement between you and Artifex Mundi S.A., seated in Poland, Zabrze, ul. Michała Archanioła 10 (“Arti...
Notes 1. “Law of migration” (Migrationgesetz) was proposed by Moritz Friedrich Wagner (1813–1887), the author of the evolutionary concept of isolation (Wagner 1868). References Berg LS (1919) Variability of a phenomenon and the laws of nature (Izmenchivost’ yavleniya i zakony prirody...