图片好像没上传成功,anyway,就在Chapter 3 The Knight Bus这一章节里,哈利把aunt Marge变成气球后离家出走坐上了这个巴士,第一次看到小天狼星的新闻报道,标题是:Black Still At Large 小天狼星依然在逃,逍遥法外,未被抓住这层意思,顺便多说一句,可能有人会问这句话为毛没有谓语动词,也成立吗?在新闻标题中,都...
7. New concept of cancer origin: Dramatic events within a “cancer-nursery” Cancer, as a new system with altered karyo- and phenotype, originates within a larger and more mature host-system only if a cluster of genetically altered cells builds up its real-time holographic mechanisms of ...
The purpose of this chapter is to draw together into a coherent epidemiology the various theses of the new concept set out in previous chapters. The series of propositions deals with the difficulties individually and each proposition is followed by a bri
Consider a sequence of positive integers\{k_n,n\ge 1\}, and an array of nonnegative real numbers\{a_{n,i},1\le i\le k_n,n\ge 1\}satisfying\sup _{n\ge 1}\sum _{i=1}^{k_n}a_{n,i}=C_0\in (0,\infty ).This paper introduces the concept of\{a_{n,i}\}-stochastic...
The PEUGEOT INCEPTION CONCEPT opens up new perspectives with a daring architecture, derived from the generation of “BEV-by-design” platforms, and comes in a generous size, further highlighting the excellence of its innovations. This manifesto will inspire t...
chapter1-new第一章 第一章操作系统引论 1 简单问题:为什么要安装WindowsorUnix等OS?操作系统(OperatingSystem,简称OS),是电子计算机系统中负责支撑应用程序运行环境以及用户操作环境简单的说,操作系统就是给计算机一的系统软件,同时也是计算机系统的核心与基石。它的个灵活的大脑,一个强健的心脏和突出的职责常包括...
This research adapted the workplace concept of safety climate to the domain of safe driving, defining a new construct of "family climate for road safety". Four studies were conducted in Israel with the aim of developing and validating a multidimensional instrument to assess this construct among yo...
The FISU World University Games was once nicknamed the "mini Olympics" because of its large scale, large number of participating athletes and high level of competition. However, the concept of the "mini Olympics" is seldom mentioned today, and the FISU World University Games is more like a gr...
The new concept of supported ionic liquid catalysis involves the surface of a support material that is modified with a monolayer of covalently attached ionic liquid fragments. Treatment of this surface with additional ionic liquid results in the formation of a multiple layer of free ionic liquid on...
Cite this chapter Horrobin, D.F., Manku, M.S., Oka, M., Cunnane, S.C. (1980). Selective control of formation of 1 and 2 series prostaglandins: a new concept in the regulation of inflammation and immunity. In: Willoughby, D.A., Giroud, J.P. (eds) Inflammation: Mechanisms and Tre...