(RAm), whose neurons were retrogradely labeled from injections of tracer into the lower thoracic spinal cord. This nucleus extends diagonally throughout the dorsal central medulla, from the tracheosyringeal motor nucleus (CN XIIts) medially almost to the ventrolateral periphery of the brainstem. ...
labeled cell bodies were situated within three clusters: One mostly below the lateral calyx (C3) and two (C1 and C2) below the α lobe in the inferior medial protocerebrum. Other labeled cell bodies lied dispersed or in small groups around the protocerebral bridge, below the optic tubercles...
Cell nuclei were labeled with Hoechst 33258 by incubation with a 250 ng/mL solution. Double or triple staining was done by overnight incubation of the cultures sepa- rately with each primary antibody. In each experiment, some wells were processed without the primary antibody to verify the ...
the fidelity with which they can be distinguished using classical methods decreases. The greater the number of labeled axons, the greater the probability that two axons
At these stages most labeled cells are in the distal parts of the bilobed ganglion. There is no indication that any of these neurons, most but not all of which are derived from epidermal placodes, establish any erroneus projections. Most of the proximo-central or core neurons, which are ...
For example, Royal Dutch Shell’s liquified gas is now labeled carbon neutral. Scandinavian Lundin Energy’s products are now described as “carbon neutrally produced.” ExxonMobile claims to be moving towards a carbon-neutral future, in which the oil and gas industry is still operating ...
The dotted lines show the areas labeled with spast signals. Scale bar, 200 μm. Effects of Skip spast Exon 6 on spinal motor neurons An antisense oligo targeting the spast-E6I6-MO skipped sequence causing a frameshift mutation and the production of a termination codon were designed and ...
5A). After closing the incisions with cyanoacrylate adhesive, the animals were returned to their dams. MNs were clearly labeled 48–72 h after the procedure14. Using a fluorescence microscope, we examined the distribution of injected dye and found that the Alexa 488 fluorescence did not spread ...
The most prolific format of supervised training common in the literature is the backpropagation (BP) method (Rumelhart, Hinton, & Williams, 1986), famed for its deep learning successes in combination with the availability of large labeled datasets and efficient gradient of error calculations (...
Where present, layer 4 is densely innervated, and in all regions layer 5 has a superficial layer of lesser labeling, but deep to that is strongly labeled with clusters of puncta forming clear outlines (baskets) around unlabelled pyramidal cell bodies (Czeiger & White, 1997; del Río et al....