Henry : Neuromotor specificity and increased speed from strength development. Res. Quart. Amer. Ass. Hlth phys. Educ. 32 , 315 (1961).Clarke, D.H., Henry, F.M.(1961): Neuromotor specificity and increased speed from strength development. Research Quarterly, 32, 315-340....
As expected, during recall at 10 s, dimensionality of the spike data increased with stimulation strength, and neuromodulator concentration had no effect (see Fig. 5). However, during the 8 h recall and thus after neuromodulator-dependent consolidation, temporal structure in the spiking dynamics, ...
Perception and action, whether in health or disease, depends on connections between brain regions. In general, it is assumed that there is a relationship between the strength of a structural connection between two brain areas and the strength of the corresponding functional connection9. However, it...
National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale- NIHSS Level of Stroke Impairment 0-42, done upon admission categorize stroke as mild, mod, severe- redone frequently bc can change rapidly looks at:Level of consciousnessBest gazeVisualFacial palsyMotor armMotor legLimb ataxiaSensoryBest languageDysarthriaExti...
-motor system (strength, gait, coordination) -reflexes (DTRs) -sensation what are some first impressions in neuro? -patient vs family giving history -patient walking into room: balance, coordination, gait, assistance devices -transferring from chair to table (sit to stand) ...
Using diffusion MRI data acquired with ultra-high gradient strength to improve tractography in routine-quality data C. Maffei, C. Lee, M. Planich, M. Ramprasad, ... A. Yendiki Article 118706 View PDF Article preview select article Warped Bayesian linear regression for normative modelling of bi...
By the early 1980s, enough progress in the field of artificial intelligence had been made for many researchers to appreciate the strengths as well as the limitations of methodologies entrenched in deductive logic. Second, the cost of computing resources was dropping rapidly. This meant that the ...
Unilateral cortical lesion (left or right hemisphere) or subcortical lesion involving the motor pathway; (4) The muscle strength of the upper limb of the affected side is ≥ 3 and muscle tone is ≤ 2 based on the Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS); (5) Right-handedness before stroke; (6...
and neuro-motor assessments were performed one week (wk) before (pre-injection), 3 weeks (wks) after, and 3 months (mons) after BoNT injection. BoNT injection significantly reduced spasticity, muscle strength, reflex torque, and compound muscle action potential (CMAP) amplitude of spastic elbow...
The size of the circle is proportional to the occurrence of the keyword, while the line thickness is proportional to the strength of co-occurrence. The number of shared keywords between these two distinct periods also grew rapidly, leading to interpretations of a certain level of consolidation ...