A genetic disease of the peripheral nervous system characterized by peroneal muscular atrophy that affects motor and sensory nerves. Initially affects muscles in lower leg and foot, but eventually progresses to muscles of hands and forearm. Charcot-Maria Tooth Eval ROM, Strength and Sensory LE & UE...
With the increasing use of T2* and susceptibility weighted imaging as well as higher field strengths, microhaemorrhages are being detected with greater frequency and it can be difficult to determine their significance.Haller et al. in Radiologyprovide a clear and relevant review that covers their ...
(ONH), and has become the primary diagnostic tool for the early detection and monitoring of SANS. The standard for assessing clinical optic disc edema has been the Frisén grading scale system as quantified by a dilated eye exam or fundus photography. High resolution OCT technology has had a...
Now that it is possible to combine PET and MRI in the same imaging session, the relative strengths of each individual technology can be brought to bear on the clinical questions, with the benefits of simultaneous acquisition and a minimum of patient inconvenience. For example, high-resolution ...
The focus on reforming education in the twenty-first century has lead to a near obsession with standardization. We have standardized curriculums, tests, grading, participation, essentially the entire learning process. Yet with this shift to standardization, we have failed to meet the basic standard...
Field strength ASL is a low SNR technique and as such benefits from any increase in SNR possible. As the signal in MRI grows quadratically with the field strength, while the noise only linearly, the SNR is expected to grow theoretically linearly with the field strength [34]. In addition to...
Preclinical studies demonstrated decreases in disease severity, hindlimb stiffness, motor function, neuroinflammation, and demyelination. Other experimental systems showed the capacity of cannabinoids to promote remyelination in vitro and by electron microscopy. Modest short-term benefits were realized in MS ...
Gait has generally been considered an automatic process, not involving cognitive functions. However, the research emphasizes the role of cognitive function as a component of motor control in the elderly [3]. Lundin-Olsson et al., proved that dual-task (talking while walking paradigm) was an acc...