NLP为Neuro-Linguistic Programming的缩写,三个单词分别代表以下的意思: Neuro(脑神经),意为“身心”,指的是 我们的头脑和身体经由我们的脑神经系统联结在一起。 我们的脑神经系统控制我们的感觉器官去维持与世界的联系。 Linguistic(语法),指的是 我们运用语言与别人作出相互影响,经由姿势、手势、习惯等无声语言显示...
NLP其实是三个英文的缩写,Neuro-Linguistic Programming,翻译成中文就是神经语言程序学。N(Neuro)指的...
Linguistic 语言学:指我们真正的身心状态,通过语言和非语言的交流呈现出来。语言是我们获取自己的心灵内部...
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming, 神经语言学编程) 在语言学中存在的时间比我们意识到的时间要长。 如果教师把心理暗示法(suggestopedia),社区语言学习法(community language learning),音乐,戏剧和肢体语言(body language)与他们的授课结合起来,他就已经在授课中引用了NLP教学法了。 而这种提法在20年前才出现的。
Neuro Linguistic Programming is comprised of two recursive loops. The first loopis the structure ofinternalexperiences andthe second loopis the structure ofexternalexperiences, caused by the first loop. The first loop feeds into the second loop, which then feeds back into the first loop, which th...
N——neuro(神经),L——linguistic(语言),P——programming(程式)。 它被翻译成“神经语言程序学”,不好理解,对吗?简言之,NLP就是从破解成功人士的语言及思维模式入手,独创性地将他们的思维模式进行解码后,发现了人类思想、情绪和行为背后的规律,并将其归结为一套可复制可模仿的程式。 【课程价值】 · 把...
Define neurolinguist. neurolinguist synonyms, neurolinguist pronunciation, neurolinguist translation, English dictionary definition of neurolinguist. n a specialist in neurolinguistics Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2
A definition of the term "neurolinguistic programming" is presented. It refers to an approach to recognizing, applying, developing, and reproducing behavior, thought processes, and ways of communicating that contribute to success. Neurolinguistic programming was developed by Richard Bandler and John ...
Neuro-Linguistic Programming was specifically created in order to allow us to do magic by creating new ways of understanding how verbal and non-verbal communication affect the human brain. As such it presents us all with the opportunity to not only communicate better with others, but also learn...
linguistic analysis n. 语言分析 linguistic code 语言编码 linguistic family 语系 相似单词 neuro 神经 linguistic a. 语言的,语言学的 neuro 表示“神经”之义 programming n.[U] 1.编程,程序设计 2.(广播,电视节目)编排,选编 neuro epithelium 神经上皮 neuro electricity 【医】 神经电 neuro ...