英[ˌnjʊərəʊlɪŋˌgwɪstɪk 'prəʊgræmɪŋ] n.神经语言程序技术 网络身心语言程式学 权威英汉双解 网络释义 neurolinguistic.programming n. 1. 神经语言程序技术a technique that people use to help themselves or others think in a more positive way, and which uses...
Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP, provides practical ways in which you can change the way that you think, view past events, and approach your life. Neuro-Linguistic Programming shows you how to take control of your mind, and therefore your life. Unlike psychoanalysis, which focuses on the ...
神经语言程序学Neuro-linguistic programming,NLP精神灵性的层级指将自身的小我与某个外在的大我相融合的境界即天人合一自我超越完成使命等境要改变自己或他人首先要找到问题发生在哪一个层级找到了问题出现在哪一个层级之后最好从另一层级着手改变即从下而上或从上而下做改变不再本层级进行改变是因为问题无法在制造它...
五、总结 一、NLP如何发展走向了prompt与adapter 1.模型训练的发展 NLP(自然语言处理)模型通常用监督...
programming n.[U] 1.编程,程序设计 2.(广播,电视节目)编排,选编 neuro epithelium 神经上皮 neuro electricity 【医】 神经电 neuro psychic a. 神经与精神的 neuro engineering 神经工程学 neuro ophthalmology 神经眼科学 neuro otology 【医】 神经耳科学, 耳神经学 最新...
What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming™? Neuro-Linguistic Programming™ (NLP™) is defined as the study of the structure of subjective experience and what can be calculated from that and is predicated upon the belief that all behaviour has structur
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming, 神经语言学编程) 在语言学中存在的时间比我们意识到的时间要长。 如果教师把心理暗示法(suggestopedia),社区语言学习法(community language learning),音乐,戏剧和肢体语言(body language)与他们的授课结合起来,他就已经在授课中引用了NLP教学法了。 而这种提法在20年前才出现的。
If you want to join neuro linguistic programming online courses then contact Neuromindnlp to enjoy the course. It is a trustworthy platform indeed
The past, present, and future of Neuro-Linguistic Programming with remastered archive content, brand new exclusive content, and more streaming direct to you with your NLP Eternal Unlimited Subscription available now on your PC, Mac, mobile devices, tablets, and Chromecast/Airplay compatible television...