Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the EnvironmentPolykretis, C., Chalkias, C., & Ferentinou, M. (2017). Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) modeling for landslide susceptibility assessment in a Mediterranean hilly area. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. doi: ...
The aim of the study is to develop a model for predicting the compressive strength of concrete using the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and to validate the mix proportion through Artificial neural networks (ANN) and experimentation. The model was developed and predicted the compressiv...
Adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), as the integration of fuzzy system and learning laws of neural network, is regarded as one of the most popular and powerful methods for modeling (Jang, 1993). In an ANFIS system, neural networks automatically extract the fuzzy if-Then rules from...
Prediction of pile-bearing capacity developing artificial intelligence models has been done over the last decade. Such predictive tools can assist geotechn
In this paper, an adaptive neuro-fuzzy modeling (ANFIS) is applied in order to map landslide susceptibility for a Mediterranean catchment (Peloponnese, Greece). The relationship between landslides and factors influencing their occurrence is investigated in GIS environment. Seven conditioning factors, ...
Ja'fari A., Kadkhodaie-Ilkhchi A., Sharghi Y., Ghaedi M. (2014) Integration of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, neural networks and geostatistical methods for fracture density modeling, Oil Gas Sci. Technol. A Rev. IFP 69, 1143-1154....
Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference SystemModelingIn many mining, civil, and petroleum engineering applications diamond bit drilling is widely used due to high penetration rate, core recovery and its ability to drill with less deviation. Recently, many research have been conducted to estimate the ...
Department of Civil EngineeringspBulletin of Engineering Geology & the EnvironmentE. Kolay , K. Kayabali and Y. Tasdemir ,"Modeling the slake durability index using regression analysis,artificial neural networks and adaptive neuro-fuzzy methods",Bull Eng Geol Environ Springer Vol.69 ,No.7, 2010 ...
To validate the model obtained from the Fuzzy-AHP method, copper deposits, old mines and indices in the area were positioned on the map. Generally, the processing is comprised of four main steps [44,45]: (i) criteria and sub-criteria determination to use in modeling; (ii) criteria and ...
A thorough examination of the utilization of ANNs in modeling concrete materials is available in existing literature [11,12,13]. Over the past decade, alongside ANN models, various computational techniques including fuzzy logic and evolutionary methods have been utilized to characterize concrete material...