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Self-organizing fuzzy neural networkNeuronal activitySingular value decompositionAdaptive learning algorithmIn this paper, a novel self-organizing fuzzy neural network with an adaptive learning algorithm (SOFNN-ALA) for nonlinear system modeling and identification in industrial processes is proposed. To ...
The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed SOFNN-HPS algorithm can obtain a self-organizing fuzzy neural network with compact structure and powerful generalization performance. The source codes of SOFNN-HPS and other competitors can be downloaded from
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Notes The code for Scikit-ANFIS, the associated cases, and the user guide will be publicly available at Scikit-ANFIS can be installed by using the following command: pip install skanfis. References Jang, J.: Anfis: adaptive-network-based fuzzy ...
iFuzzyTL introduces an adaptive framework that combines fuzzy logic principles with neural network architectures, focusing on efficient knowledge transfer and domain adaptation. iFuzzyTL refines input signal processing and classification in a human-interpretable format by integrating fuzzy inference systems ...
模糊神经网络就是模糊理论同神经网络相结合的产物,它汇集了神经网络与模糊理论的优点,集学习、联想、识别、信息处理于一体。 查看详情 维基百科版本 神经模糊杂交导致混合智能系统通过将模糊系统的类人推理风格与神经网络的学习和连接结构相结合来协同这两种技术。神经模糊杂交在文献中被广泛称为模糊神经网络(FNN)或神经模...
KaNCD: extended from the NeuralCD framework. We use high-order latent traits of students, exercises and knowledge concepts to capture latent associations among knowledge concepts. Installation Git and install withpip: git clone cd path/to/code pip inst...
FCM is a simple program to calculate the value of the concepts of a cognitive map. It follows the traditional literature and authors like Kosko and Carlsson. Basically, it is a Hopfield neural network, although in the incidence matrix connections between the same node can appear. Furthermore,...