The AI for Accelerated Materials Design (AI4Mat) workshop is scheduled for December 2nd, 2022, during the NeurIPS 2022 at the New Orleans Convention Center. The research focus of AI4Mat centers on the idea of Self-Driving Materials Laboratories, which promote a fully automated and closed-lo...
NeurIPS 2022 Workshop on Causality for Real-world Impact This workshop was held at NeurIPS on 2nd December 2023 Causality has a long history, providing it with many principled approaches to identify a causal effect [1-3] (or even distill cause from effect [4]). However, these approaches ar...
The HiLL workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working on the broad areas of HiLL, ranging from interactive/active learning algorithms for real-world decision-making systems (e.g., autonomous driving vehicles, robotic systems, etc.), human-inspired learning that mitigates the...
NeurIPS 2022,全称是Thirty-sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems,NeurIPS是人工智能...
The workshop invites submissions focused on the following topics: 1) Advancing the mental healthcare of under-represented and marginalised communities, through an intersectional lens, with an emphasis on mitigating inequalities and understanding the role of societal, instiutional and interpersonal discrimin...
FL-NeurIPS 2022 : International Workshop on Federated Learning: Recent Advances and New Challenges in Conjunction with NeurIPS 2022
本文没有探索损失函数、蒸馏位置等传统研究问题上, 我们延用了最原始版本的KD loss (也就是Hinton等人在NIPS’14 workshop上提出KD的时候用的Cross-Entropy + KL divergence )。我们重点关注网络的输入端:如何度量不同数据增强方法在KD中的好坏?(相比之下,之前的KD paper大多关注网络的中间特征,或者输出端)。系统...
October 20, 2022: Accepted in NeurIPS 2022 Workshop on Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving! 🔥 February 5, 2021: Won 1st place in the National Rahneshan competition 2020-2021 for autonomous vehicles! 🎉 January 10, 2021: First release....
This directory contains the source code for the two papersLinear Algebra with Transformers(Transactions in Machine Learning Research, October 2022) (LAWT), andWhat is my transformer doing?(2nd Math AI Workshop at NeurIPS 2022) (WIMTD).