pathway The neural hypothesis assumes that substances produced during transient, short-termischaemia, act locally by activating afferentneural pathways. That theory was confirmed by Ding et al., who reported that cardioprotection provided by RIPC (induced by renal artery occlusion) in a...
While mechanical itch and chemical itch have been considered to function through distinct neuronal pathways in the spinal cord26,27,46, recent studies showed that NPY–NPY1R signaling can inhibit both mechanical and chemical itch, indicating that they may share the same pathway28,29. The finding ...
This compression-induced scar tissue leads to disconnected ionic pathways between the fasciculus and electronic materials, resulting in measurement malfunctions18. Soft, stretchable electronic materials have attracted much attention as a promising neural platform owing to the following advantages: (i) their...
Similarly, feedforward intracortical pathways extend from sensory-association to motor-association cortex and are complemented by recurrent connections in the other direction. Activation function Given a network architecture with input, interior, and output units and associated connections, how does the ...
dyslexia, both words and pseudowords differentially recruited the various pathways between regions of the extended reading network. Differences between the groups were evident in neural interactions with the right cerebellum and in reliance upon the left SMG for pseudoword reading....
Swaan PW: Recent advances in intestinal macromolecular drug delivery via receptor-mediated transport pathways. Pharm Res 1998, 15: 826–834. 10.1023/A:1011908128045 Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Mei H, Lian ZH, Zhou Y, Li SZ: A new set of amino acid descriptors and its application in...
Genes were chosen for study because they are involved in folate and vitamin B12 metabolism or other metabolic and signaling pathways implicated in the etiology of NTDs (Figure 1). Although previously published, MTHFR[52–54], MTHFD1[23, 25], MTHFD1L[27], TCblR[34], and TP53[51] were ...
Both patterns of central firing rate homeostasis are controlled by negative feedback regulation (NFR) of cortical GABAergic interneurons (Mann and Paulsen, 2006; Xue et al., 2011), which may be the homeostatic regulating circuit for all sensory pathways (Fig. 1). The neural network of the ma...
“glass half empty” vs. “glass half full” subjective debate. But rather, we aim to evaluate CNN modeling as a viable scientific method to understand primate vision and whether there are fundamental differences in visual processing between the brain and CNNs that would limit CNN modeling as ...
Neural pathways for visual speech perception. Front. Neurosci. 8, 386, doi: 10.3389/fnins.2014.00386 (2014). Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Giraud, A. L. & Poeppel, D. Cortical oscillations and speech processing: emerging computational principles and operations. Nat. Neurosci. ...