CNI is not a Kubernetes plugin, but rather the specification that defines how plugins should communicate and interoperate with the container runtime. CNI plugins can be created and developed in any manner, and they often reflect the standards of development, testing and delivery found in other s...
[root@xxxx cni]# kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION NotReady <none> 11h v1.28.4 执行kubectl describe node <node_name>看到报错如下: NotReadymessage:Network plugin returnserror:cni plugin not initialized 执行journalctl -u kubelet | tee tmp.log,检查kubelet的日志,看到如下报...
AWS_VPC_K8S_PLUGIN_LOG_FILE Type: String Default:/var/log/aws-routed-eni/plugin.log Valid Values:stderror a file path. Note that setting to the empty string is an alias forstderr, and this comes from upstream kubernetes best practices. ...
In Terraform, we can add the network_policy with value set to “calico” inside “azurerm_kubernetes_cluster” as described in the following link: network_profile{network_plugin="kubenet"network_...
简介: 【kubernetes】解决k8s1.28.4:NotReady message:Network plugin returns error: cni plugin not initia...执行kubectl get nodes,看到如下信息,显示节点未就绪 [root@xxxx cni]# kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION NotReady <none> 11h v1.28.4 执行kubectl describe node <node_...
kubeadminit\ --apiserver-advertise-address=\\ --control-plane-endpoint=cluster-endpoint\ --kubernetes-versionv1.24.1\ --service-cidr=\ --pod-network-cidr=\ --v=5 #–image-repository string:这个用于指...
yum install -y kubernetes-cni 重新初始化问题节点即可。 ps:看到有的博主使用单节点k8s,不想看NOT READY状态,把 /var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env 或/etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/10-kubeadm.conf 下的--network-plugin=cni 给去掉了。 略作解释 kubelet配置 --network-plugin=cni,仅当CNI(容器...
netikraschanged the titleNetwork Plugins: --network-plugin flag is missing in 1.24.0, yet docummented as availableMay 12, 2022 Copy link Member mk46commentedMay 13, 2022 /sig node /kind cleanup If any flag found which was removed inkubernetes/kubernetes#106907, Kindly remove them too. ...
第二、使用匹配的 Flannel 版本后,由于 kubernetes 1.13.3KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS=默认是空的,所以需要添加关闭 Swap 的限制配置。 具体安装步骤可以参考【二】Kubernetes 集群部署-kubeadm方式(亲测)
public KubernetesClusterNetworkProfileImpl withDockerBridgeCidr(String dockerBridgeCidr) Parameters: dockerBridgeCidr withNetworkPlugin public KubernetesClusterNetworkProfileImpl withNetworkPlugin(NetworkPlugin networkPlugin) Parameters: networkPlugin withNetworkPolicy public Kubern...