deviceType = "" // Replace with your device type ) type devicePlugin struct { devices []*pluginapi.Device } func (dp *devicePlugin) GetDeviceState(ctx context.Context, request *pluginapi.DeviceStateRequest) (*pluginapi.DeviceStateResponse, error) { // Implement device state ...
device-plugin功能由DevicePlugins这个参数控制,默认是禁用的,启用这个参数后就可以令kubelet开放Register 的grpc服务。 device-plugin可以通过这个服务向kubelet注册自己,注册时要告知kubelet: 本device-plugin的Unix socket 名称。用于kubelet作为grpc 客户端向本device-plugin发请求; 本device-plugin的API版本; 本device-plu...
对于nvidia gpu,只有一个PreStartRequired选项,表示每个Container启动前是否要调用Device Plugin的PreStartContainer接口(是Kubernetes 1.10中Device Plugin Interface接口之一),默认为false。 vendor/ func (m *NvidiaDevicePlugin) GetDevicePluginOp...
1,opt,name=version,proto3" json:"version,omitempty"`// Name of the unix socket the device plugin is listening on// PATH = path.Join(DevicePluginPath, endpoint)Endpointstring`protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=endpoint,
"":"2" 从而让pod被调度到10.123.123.123上并消耗其2个资源。这个资源将与cpu、memory一样,被调度器进行统计,并用在pod的调度算法中。如果node上的资源耗尽,这类pod将无法成功调度。 device-plugin插件 ...
The default value of virtual GPUs number for each physical GPU is 10. If you need to run more than 10 GPU pods on one physical GPU, you can update the argument for the containeraws-virtual-gpu-device-plugin-ctr. For example, set 20 vGPUs: ...
In this example it is assumed that node<node-name>has one GPU. Applying a Time-Slicing Configuration Per Node To enable a time-slicing configuration per node, the user would need to apply<config-name>node label after installing the GPU Operator. On ap... 项目参考: 源码分析链接: 设备插件 FEATURE STATE: Kubernetes v1.10 [beta] Kubernet...
kubectl create -f and then check the pod status by running kubectl describe pods After the pod is created and running, you can see the benchmark result by running: ...
The documentation includes steps forsetting up a Kubernetes cluster. For the purposes of brevity, fast forward to the steps where you would have a Kubernetes cluster running with the NVIDIA software components, for example, drivers, container runtime, and Kubernetes device plugin. You deploy Prometh...